Finally Free!!!

by ADJUSTMENTS 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    Congratulations! I hope your new move will be the beginning of a better life. Being free is such a wonderful feeling.

  • JWdaughter

    Congratulations.Enjoy the PNW-its beautiful!

  • nicolaou

    Congratulations! Can I be cheeky and ask roughly how old you and your wife are?

  • Crazyguy

    im in the northwest pm if you like.

  • stuckinarut2

    Awesome news!

    enjoy YOUR lives! Stop allowing YOUR lives to be affected by the org...

    Just watch out for new witnesses tracking you down...remember, every witness knows someone who knows someone somewhere....hopefully no one from your old area sends out a "search team"


    I live in the extreme NW corner of Washington state and love it. Altho there are Witnesses up here, the general population is less religious than other parts of the U.S. I doubt you will have anyone being too nosy about which church you attend. If anyone asks, just tell them you prefer to keep your beliefs a private matter. End of discussion. Should any Witnesses come to your door, just tell them you don't want to talk to them and to not come back again. Do not engage in any conversation and NEVER tell anyone here that you were ever involved with the Witnesses. People up here really wouldn't even be interested.....they prefer to mind their own business. I hope your move goes well, and welcome to the Pacific Northwest!!!

  • happy@last

    Excellent news, wishing you all the best in the new chapter of your lives.

  • smiddy

    Its great that you are both out together , thats a bonus .

    I`m happy for you both


  • Phizzy

    Great news ! A move such as that is a big thing to do, and it will take a while to "settle", which is usual, but what will speed up is your becoming an ex-XJW.

    It will be no time before you feel almost as though you never were a J.W. Of course, the past is what it is, and one good thing about it is that you will be well equipped to have some real fun if JW's ever call on you !

    All the very best for a brilliant future to you both !

  • punkofnice

    Well done. It's nice that you are both out together.

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