by DATA-DOG 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    It's amazing what you perceive, once you know TTATT. Today's WT mind-control session was an amazing example of cult mind control techniques in action!!

    The PROGRAM was about hearing Jeehoobies voice! How is that accomplished?

    By listening to:

    1) God

    2) Jesus

    3) prophets

    4) human representatives of Gods Organization

    Today, we hear Jesus' voice by......get ready.....wait for it....WAIT FOR IT..... By obeying the voice of the FDS!!! Our very survival depends on listening to the "voice of God!!" Who is that again?!?! Lol!! Just read the article and notice the subtle placement of phrases in the paragraphs at the beginning of the article. The tone is set!!

    What questions were not addressed?

    1) How does JESUS communicate Jehovahs words to the FDS, exactly??

    2) What is apostasy?

    The reader is lead to believe that JEEHOOBER magically disseminates truth to the FDS. Also, once you equate the FDS with "the voice of God", rebelling against the FDS is equated with Korah. The article used a very carefully crafted set of words to describe "apostate" Korah who rebelled against " the voice of God ". What was it you say?? INDEPENDENT WORSHIP. LOL!!! Brilliant!!!

    The article is loaded with propaganda, while simultaneously preaching against "satanic" propaganda!!

    In review:

    1) The GB is the voice of God.

    2) Obey or die.

    3) Independent forms of worship amount to apostasy.

    Here is the situation. Earlier articles tell us that Jehoobie is allowing apostates in the ORG. Who are they? We were not enlightened with that information, but we were warned not to be suspicious of fellow JWs. What is apostasy, EXACTLY? Again, no explanation. Now we have a good idea. Those who don't listen to the "voice of God" and seek independent worship beyond the meetings, service, mandatory funtime/musical/king dumb melody sessions, and those who are above the counsel of fellow Xians and Eldubs are headed towards apostasy!

    The GB are extremely crafty. They speak with a forked tongue. While not saying any of this outright, they have created an enviroment where BOEs and the CO must decide YOUR fate based on your blind obedience to human ideas. If you get DF'd, the GB wasn't really involved as the CO is now the leg-breaker in the Circuit. The article said that Jeehoober's counsel is there ( GB's opinions and shelved ideas ), but you must be willing to take advantage of it. So yeah, it's YOUR FAULT if you get DF'd and executed.

    Remember, this is all coinciding with massive Pedo lawsuits and nu-light on Gog of Magog. So faders, be cautious. The stage is set. The Org is becoming more totalitarian with each passing week. You must be extremely careful what you say and how you say it. There is an atmosphere of paranoia and desperation, and it's growing. How crazy will it get? Who knows?


  • Violia

    They have been planning on being the Catholic church for a long time.

    That is probably why they hated them so much.

  • DwainBowman

    Sad to say i heard it on the phone. One way out there case, likened jw's org to a protective jail cell, that were all put in for our own good. Then she went on to say how some are just not happy, and keep tryingtrying to break free! And end up in terrible shape lost on the outside, so wishing they were back in!


  • sparky1

    You are so right Violia.

    The new Pope is concerned about 3 things:

    1. The image of a newer more modern Catholic Church in the eyes of outsiders.

    2. The finances of the Catholic Church.

    3. Retaining their youth.

    The new Governing Body Popes are concerned about 3 things:

    1. The image of a newer more modern Jehovahs Witnesses Church.

    2. The finances of the Jehovahs Witnesses Church.

    3. Retaining their youth.

    "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."

  • OneEyedJoe

    Sounds like I picked a good one to skip (as if that's hard to do). I just wish my wife wasn't there listening to that crap.


    And crap, it was...


  • Oubliette

    Data-dog, I gotta' say, after reading your posts here for the last couple of years I really noticed a dramatic improvement in your analytical skills! Nice thread, thanks for starting it. I may actually read the article now just to see how the WT writers are still masters of manipulation and propaganda

    Well done!!!

    "Children must be taught how to think, not what to think." - Margaret Mead

    Let's review: It's a cult!


    What Are you talking about Oub?!?! You mean I had room for improvement?? LOL!!!

    That's right folks, I came here an intelligent, albeit suicidal and repressed individual. Now look!! I'm as crazy as ever, but much happier! No meds ( not saying they are bad or wrong ) very little alcohol, new job, new outlook on life, and mental and emotional freedom!

    In fact, the only guilt I have is the guilty feeling from making my wife sad. I'm not "spiritual", so there you go... Even that is growing weaker, because it's not me, it's the cult. Even with challenges, I'm happier and slowly becoming healthier. This is what happens when you say, "NO", to users and you take time for YOU.

    How did this happen? I listened to my subconscious mind when it told me, " Hey dumbass!! Something is wrong! These predators are going to kill you!" I listened to the little voice inside, you know, the one the GB tell you to ignore. The one they label as your "sinful flesh/wicked heart", the one that warns you of danger. The one that we listen to when we avoid dark alleys, and when creepy people follow you in a parking garage. The one that says, " You CAN do this! You have the power to make it happen! You deserve dreams and you have rights!" The voice that victims ignore. Yeah, THAT ONE.



    According to the Watchtower, the GB (aka: FDS ) somehow get clear directions straight from Jehovah. And by their own admission 'it is impossible for God to lie'. So when the GB tell the rank and file Witnesses to obey their pronouncements they are saying Jehovah is commanding it. So, since jehovah cannot lie, once he says something it must therefore to TRUE from then on, absolutely. So the GB can't later issue conflicting directives without admitting that the original 'Truth' wasn't Jehovah's absolute truth at all. Back in the day, The Watchtower claimed that Jehovah PROMISED the End would come before the 1914 generation had all passed away. It was written in every Watchtower magazine for decades. What happened to THAT 'promise' from Jehovah???? Answer: It's all utter made-up nonsense, every word of it. The whole 'New Light' charade is just a coverup to hide the fact that it's just fallible men making all this stuff up as they go along.

  • tornapart

    I was there as well today DD and I read it the same way as you. What made me wince too was when they did that paragraph about Korah and Moses, they included Aaron in with Moses.. what goes straight over their heads is that while Moses was away up the mountain getting the laws his brother Aaron was happily complying with what the people wanted... making a golden calf.

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