Mormon Church Founder had 33 wives

by designs 22 Replies latest social current

  • designs

    For God and Country eh Steve

  • LisaRose

    Funny, I was just reading about him. It was interesting to me was that his first wife maintained until her dying day that she was the only wife. I think supposedly they were "spiritual marriages", no consummation. Also, they did genetic testing of the descendents of the men who were thought to be his sons, none actually were. Still, when a man that age marries girl that age, it's hard to think they are only interested in the spiritual aspects of the situation, wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

    His financial dealings, history of scams and outlandish claims makes Chares Taze Russel and his miracle wheat seem quite tame.

  • designs

    The LDS leadership are apparently supporting this admission about their Founder Joseph Smith and his wives as young as 14.

    A Seattle Ward of the LDS Church has published an open Letter to Gay Mormons to come back to the Church, the doors are open and they want to welcome all LGBT.

    Nice gestures. Tragically it is a gesture back to Religion Inc. and all of the beliefs that make civilized people a little crazy, but it is progress and one the Wt. leaders won't be making for decades.

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