Rated in top 10 on iTunes

by Dagney 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dagney

    Okay. It makes sense to have access through iTunes, but still it was a bit of a shock to see the WT logo pop up in the top 10 popular podcasts in "Religion."

    Boy is it a new day.

    Did anyone ever find out who the PR firm or inside person with this vision for the WBTS?

    Edited to add: The podcasts were for the WT study and issues of the WT and Awake, and in numerous languages.

  • Finkelstein

    I think the WTS heads are being more aggressive in defending their faith out the realization of the enormous

    amount of detrimental opposing information being presented against their organization offered easily to the public on the inter-net.

    So in a sense they are in a state of spiritual warfare taking place in the media.

    Just my 2 cents mind you.

  • Dagney

    Yes. Absolutely. Of course Jah was waiting for the perfect moment to wage the internet war...after they have lost about 2-3 million people already.

    I can see the happy-dappy-ness of a loyal looking around iTunes and voila! Jah must have made electricity, Steve Jobs, computers, internet just for WBTS!

    They will never win this battle. The apostate army is too diverse and established.

  • sir82

    Jah must have made electricity, Steve Jobs, computers, internet just for WBTS!

    I've heard JWs, even a CO, state that Satan caused WW2 to occur strictly as an effort to destroy JWs, so what you have written is not so much of a stretch.

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