Would YOU Have Refused Blood To Remain Faithful To Your JW Beliefs?

by minimus 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BluesBrother

    Yes..... I am sure that I would have refused to the end. My reasoning would have been that this present life is O K , but the future life in paradise is going to be wonderful , and it lasts forever. It is a no brainer if you think like that. In addition my family would never have forgiven me if I accepted , peer pressure is a big motivator. Lastly, I really did think that it was God's wish, and I wanted to do the right thing.I had no children to decide for.

    Should we think ourselves stupid for this? No. We were just misled by a controlling and clever cult religion that most of us had known all our lives. It all seemed logical at the time, and it would have been - if it had been true

  • freddo

    I did. I was 19 and legally an adult in the UK. I had the operation and (obviously) survived.

  • Crazyguy

    I would of until I was in a meeting with my wife talking to someone I thought was a part of the liaison committee. While informing us of all the different options and I was thinking If god doesn't want us to have blood then I not having any of it. But I Later decided to research why all the blood products and fractions were now OK.

    Now any time I think of going back just to go along to get along so to speak i think about all the ones they killed over this hanice doctrine and I will never go back!!!

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I wore the blood card around my neck...but if I had a time machine I would go back and pull it off and kick that smug little pioneers ass...imagine getting bashed by an older self.

  • Spectre

    Sure I would have. They made it so that even the thought of taking blood sounded disgusting. It still does to me but if it came down to a life saving operation, of course I'd take one.

  • awakenyr2004

    I was always afraid of having to make this choice. I was never comfortable with this doctrine and I do not think I could have refused for myself or any of my loved ones.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    I would have probably refused it for myself but when it came down to it, I would have caved if it meant life or death for one of my kids. I figured I'd take the fall for my child and that Jehovah would probably have mercy on a parent put in that position.

  • Violia

    I did and it caused a lot of problems that jws don't like to mention. Yes you may survive the blood loss but it can and does damage the body.

    Currently I have tried to make sure any hospital I have occasion to visit for whatever reason takes JW out of my religious choice. This happened just recenlty, I went for a mamogram and the paperwork listed me as a JW. I had it changed that moment even though I was in no danger. If I ever come to the ER and there is any question about blood, I want them to have NO reason not to give it to me.

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