Warwick Building Project Fluff Stories

by bruh2012 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bruh2012

    Talking about an article that makes you want to throw-up in your mouth- WT-study Jan 15, 2015 The offered themselves willingly.

    Amazing the psych job of selling your business, moving your entire family, quiting your job to be a "temporary" worker at the new world headquarters!

    throw your livelyhood away only to get the "feeling" that Jehovahs is blessing you! I wish there was away to track the psych job during Patterson and other major projects of what happened to all the "friends" that sold and got rid of their livelyhood then and where are they now.

    Did you ever sacrifce it all for a building project only to be left with nothing after your "spiritual high"?


    The problem with a "spiritual high"'from the WTBTS, is that only the first one is free.


  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I posted this on another thread last week about this subject, I just cut an pasted what I wrote last week.

    My husband and I did exactly that in 1991 when they needed to build 90 Sands in Brooklyn. I felt just like all those couples mentioned and was sure that Jehovah would provide if and when we left. We sold everything except what we could fit in our 1984 Hond Civic.

    All I can say looking back is what a fool I was and what fools they are.

    I literally prayed by brains our begging Jehovah for help, for a place to go, etc after the job was done at Bethel and we were laid off. Jehovah did not provide anything for us when we left, not even a congregation that wanted us. Many in the hall we went to looked down on us for being so stupid. It was such an eye opener to how much there is a huge lack of love in this religion. No one offered us anything, any help, a place to stay NOTHING. One sister did offer us her home for $200.00 over the going rent in the area and it was full of her junk which we were suposed to live with. Literarlly it was full of boxes and boxes of her stuff that we were just suposed to put up with. She was bat beep crazy. Here we were just out from Bethel and no jobs. She was offeded that we did'nt jump on her kind offer.

    I was in my mid 20's and very idealistic, all I can say is that someone in their 40's, 50's, and 60's should definitely know better and they are headed for ruin. Now I can kind of understand why some in the hall looked at us like they did. I just felt like most of the ones in the hall felt we were so stupid and most truly did not care about Bethel. No one wanted to hear any of our experiences or see any of the pictures we had taken. In fact I showed some of the friends some of the pictures and this one sister left just glanced at them then left the pictures in the sun, when I asked her where they were so said she had just thrown them over on the this table in full sun and they were ruined. We did not have a lot of money and I had spent a lot to get them printed. This was before smart phone, etc. I was just amazed at how most of the JW's could care less about Bethel. In fact most of the JW's in the hall we went to in Brooklyn had never even been to visit Bethel. All they had to do was take a train ride and well over half the hall had never been to Bethel even through they lived in New York.

    And now looking back I realize that 90 Sands was just for them to make money off. What a joke it all was, I gave up so much. So many years that I could have been making money to take care of myself in old age instead of having to work so hard now. Those people quoted in the WT are are just such fools.


    Another thing they fail to mention is that a lot of those couples who are in their 40's to 60's have worked full time jobs or at least the husband has while the wife pioneered, they have pensions and other money coming in from investments. So they are not going to Bethel with nothing like we did.

    I know ALL the couples that were in their 40's, 50's and 60's we when we were there for 90 Sands had outside money coming in, most still owed their homes and rented them out or had the money from the sale of their home sitting in a bank account. No one who was older just came on a prayer and the hope that Jehovah would pick it up for them. My husband and I were one of the few truly stupid persons that bought into the garbage in the Watchtower.

    Also Gill Nazroff who was head of the building program at the time and a real jerk we soon found out, told just my husband and I on our first day at Bethel to expect nothing from anyone. Gill said that he was 'so sick of people selling off everything and then running out of money and getting mad at Bethel for putting them in such a place.' Gill said 'no one made them come.' 'That Bethel even recived letters from ones who were broke with nothing and no one to help them asking Bethel why Jehoivah was not helping them.' But Gill told us 'it was not Bethel's fault nor Bethel's place to help them.'

    I wonder why they do not put Gill's comments in the WT?

    I was so stupid and even though Gill said that right off the bat on the first day to us I still thought Jehovah would help. In hindsight if Jehovah was involved it was Jehovah telling us to RUN. I was to stupid to see it.


  • DwainBowman

    I know sevral that have already quit jobs, sold everything, and headed of to Paradise! One a brother in his 70's sold everything along with his sons, that quit there jobs and sold out. Went up months ago. So far i don't think they have got to help at all! Except to provide rooms for others coming to work, invited!


  • ducatijoe

    LITS... What a story! Hope you are doing well now. I too workrd on Sands as well as Willow, Furman Street and over 50 K-halls.

    I am doing great now that I am out. Never happier. Best to you and your family

  • snare&racket

    What a waste of time those years were in my life.

    Do not waste your time, energy effort and most importantly......YOUR YOUTH......on a corporation you are forbidden to read negative material on.

    You know your 'alarm bells' are ringing about the organisation, getting knee deep in its activities to distract yourself from your doubt will only delay your focus. When your attention returns on the inevitible contradictions and concerns, your youth will be gone and the possibility of painful regret will keep you willingly blind. There the vicious circle begins, next you marry a JW and have kids, now you are really stuck and the doubts have multiplied too.

    Beware the trap.......

    Do yourself a favour and take a weekend off from carrying bricks and do some research.

    JW Facts

    Crisis of Conscience

  • wallsofjericho

    i am "still in" and if anyone in my hall sold everything to work at a WTS build site i would look at them like they're crazy too

    its typical young JWs that are still idealistic and not jaded by reality yet

    they never turn down talks or "privileges" and then burn out cause all the older brothers using them to dump all their "privileges" on

    I agree, no one made them come, but the WTS does a good job spinning the "blessings" part of it

    as I get older I have concluded that it's not about a lack of love, it's just that people have their own lives & problems and don't particularly care about yours. Why should they bail you out? Who's bailing them out? No one, they have to deal with all their own problems and if your dumb enough to buy into the WTS hype about all those awesome blessings then you can bless your way back to reality with the rest us

  • Balaamsass2

    Quick builds. Truck load of tools walk off and run up credit cards. ughhhh

    "need is great"- resentful local bodies of elders and financial black holes.

    Bethel- at least they give you "3 hots and a cot".

  • berrygerry


    So sorry for your wasted life.

    Hopefully, you are able to use it as a building block for "the real life"

    (Been there - for way too long)

  • pixel

    LITS, thanks for sharing your story.

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