If you love conspiracy theories...

by Gregor 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    So let me see if I follow this....

    The contention is that US government officials orchestrated the latest outbreak of Ebola in Liberia, then arranged for a contagious guy to fly to Dallas, then arranged for Dallas health care providers to be inadequately protected, then arranged for one of those health care workers to fly to Cleveland then back to Dallas while contagious?

    And all of this to, what? Keep Republican voters at home during the mid-term elections 3 weeks from now?

    Do I have that right?

  • designs


  • nonjwspouse


    The contention is that US government officials orchestrated the latest outbreak of Ebola in Liberia, then arranged for a contagious guy to fly to Dallas, then arranged for Dallas health care providers to be inadequately protected, then arranged for one of those health care workers to fly to Cleveland then back to Dallas while contagious?

    My opinion, No the Us officials did orchestrate this outbreak in Libera, and arranged for the man to travel to Dallas. What an absurd thing to claim. Did someone sany that here? What the officials DID do was not place importance on taking steps in containing this virus to try to keep it from entering into the country. These steps should have been more agressive until hospitals ARE equipped properly. The statement that they all were equipped was a lie. Ask most any hospital around and they will tell you this statement was confusing since they are NOT equipped or properly trained for ebola. There is more than one inconsistant statement about this coming from both the CDC and the WH. They clearly have highly incompetent communication even after a month+ of knowing this could be a danger ....or something.

    The health care worker CALLED THE CDC THREE TIMES to ask if she could fly. Now, if she was exposed in the first place WHY was she not stopped from traeling, especially on an airplane for the 21 day incubation period? Who was responsibile for the monitoring? Did those responsible know her plans and give the ok for her to travel to Ohio in the first place?

    Who is responsible forthe CDC? Is this a government agency? Who is responsible for the government agency? .....questions sir82, highly important ones.

    For the first time Obama is cancelling fundraising dinners ( two of them) after Ebola began spreading. NOW he shows by that action thay he takes it seriously. Why didn't he return to the WH during the beheadings? Questions... somany of them. Yet the "most transparent administration in history" doesn't like giving them.

    Now the administration is playing Monday morning quarterback. Too little too late. The outcry was there to do more before more cases popped up, but the voices went unheard.

  • designs

    Its not 'to little to late', every outbreak has been stopped in the past and this one will also be stopped because of science and knowing what to do with outbreaks of diseases of all types.

    That won't stop the Teabaggers and anti-vacciners from have a panic fit....

  • nonjwspouse

    Your attitude is sounding exactly like those you accuse. This is not rocket science to know a contagious virus has a compounding effect. This virus has a 50-70% mortality rate. A virus, when spread, can mutate to become even worse. In the days before this instant information age the "Spanish Flu" began with isolated cases, but it spread (in the US before Spain by the way). History tells the story of what happens when governments fail to relay correct informationn to the people and not take adequate steps to head off such a deadly virus.

    Would you say the same about the Polio outbreak? Eventualy measures were taken like schools were closed etc. In this day of immediate information, we don't have to sacrifice so many live before we take measures to head off the virus. To head it off is WAY more effective than to try to contain it after it has spread. It gives medical researchers the time needed to come upwith , hopefully, treatments or a vacciene.

    A more widespread deadly virus that has mutated into something more lethel is even MORE difficult if not impossible to control. This is what the CDC is supposed to be taking action to stop.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Vaccination is big business. Money with many 00000000s on.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    I think Fear-bola has the capacity to do more harm in the US than Ebola.

    I think the greatest threat re Ebola is if a group like ISIS decides to use it as a weapon in a bio attack, contaminating food or water or spraying it from above.

  • Gregor

    Bush caused Hurricane Katrina, right?

    Obama/Ebola, same-o, same-o

  • nonjwspouse

    Obama did not create it, but is either screwing up or flat out using the saituation.

  • BizzyBee

    Let me just take this opportunity to say,


    Thank you.

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