Opps! 2015 Calendar with errors

by pixel 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Bravo, Terry!!!


  • piztjw

    Perhaps I am being paranoid, but maybe, just maybe, the "errors" were intentional? What better way to prompt a few questions or comments from the R&F. A perfect way to begin a separating work in the congregtions. Any who mention the "errors" will be branded as malcontents and complainers. I know I was personally questioned at great length on how and why I noticed the "error" in the RNWT in Numbers with the page headings for the chapters. The eldurr couldn't believe I might have found it on my own. "Where did you hear about that?", was his first question.

  • Londo111

    The Watchtower has been wrong about chronology from the start…

  • hildebrando
  • BluesBrother

    Standards sure are slipping....never would have happened in Nat Knorr's day

  • sparky1

    Well at least they can't blame the current calendar screwup on Clayton Woodworth. He died in 1951 so someone else will have to take the 'heat' for this one.

  • stuckinarut2

    Hey piztjw, I had the same occure with me when I found the incorrect page numbers!

    Scutinised and questioned indeed!

    I fobbed it all off, as I mentioned it during the week it was the bible reading anyway...

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    The month of "Jehovah".


    29 days on the calendar and not a damn thing happens...ever.

    It's the most ineffective month offering nothing but dashed hopes and deafening silence. Typical.

  • factfinder
    The 2015 calendar does not seem to appear on jw.org
  • GLTirebiter

    The conclusion then is either:

    1. The GB do NOT actually "scrutinize" each and every WTBTS publication, or
    2. All of them are poor proof-readers.

    3. The GB and writing staff lack the education which normally would be expected of professional writers and editors.

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