Do you suffer from WELTSCHMERZ?

by yadda yadda 2 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Somewhere, somehow someone dropped an egg when they were going to make an omellette. I can't do anything about that so I refuse to cry about it. Now if I were there and could have caught it that might be different. So in this life we are able to effect things physically in about a two foot radius. We can join movements with others and work for change of course. The reality is we are too limited to take it all to heart. Survival is our prime directive. It sounds self absorbed but we cannot be anything else when it comes to our well being. Even your tears are for your benefit, they do nothing for others. Join a food bank and collect food for the homeless or get over this feeling of "compassion" attatched to non action. It is a bit hollow. I respect you yada, its just this is the reality that can be difficult to grasp. Too much crying and no action. That is what the JW's are all about, "let them, (the world) suffer" and feel little to nothing except verificaton that you are right and everyone else is wrong and wait for Jah to fix it. There is the abdication of responsibility. That brings greater guilt in my mind.

  • Phizzy

    I think many many JW's have an air of sadness about them, especially the long serving ones, now looking Death in the face.

    I think many of them know they will not see "the promise".

    A few of such ones are, because of "Weltschmerz" , as well as the realisation of their own mortality,are plunged in to real Clinical depression.

    How can we help such ones ? more than likely they could not "handle the Truth", to reveal TTATT would tip such a person right over the edge, and we may be guilty of causing them to take their own life.

    I ask again, because I need the advice, how can we help such a person ?

    It occurs to me that demonstrating that the world is not so very bad,in reality, despite the hot-spots of trouble, most of the world has never lived in such good conditions and times, to stress this could be a problem too for such a person, and may make their dream of a paradise earth seem even further away.

    Pills and potions work for a while, but what could be done to get such a person back to where they were? recognising of course that where they were was totally delusional.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Interesting comments from everyone.

    I think this feeling of Weltschmerz is recognised in Buddhism by their concept of 'Dukkha', which denotes the suffering in life and the general unsatisfactoriness of life.

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