Did Jehovah program us to have a free will? If so, how free are we?

by I_love_Jeff 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Kalos


    Adam and Eve story is not true, says the Bible itself. Jeremiah says the whole TORAH is fabrication. (Jeremiah 8:8)

  • kaik

    NAVYTOWN, excellent point in which I agree. Humans as all living organism will die. There is no whatsoever any proof that there is alife after death, nor anyone returned from the death years after their burial. Billions of people lived before us, they died, forgotten, lost in history. Billinons of current members of humanity, including me and you will certainly die, so will future generations. There is no any assurance nor certainity that we will get any other chance than this life.

    When it comes to freedom of will there is no universal concensus what it actually meant for the humanity. Jews believe that humans have the freedom of will to obey G-d laws. Failure of Adam and Eve was not disobedience but lust and Eve having intimate relationship with the Serpent and lying about it. Judaism also teaches that angels do not have free will, because they are inheritently good by presence of G-d. They got free will once the became human.

    So , it is crucial to have analysis what freedom of will is. Is being hungry and eat forbidden fruit as a sign of freedom or necessity? St. Augustine defines freedom of will as freedom to inquire on God's will. And we have freedom to sin. St. Thomas said that man is not in master of his own action which pertains to freedom of will.

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