JWs and Exclusivity

by Don Schneider 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Don Schneider
    Don Schneider

    "For whoever is not against us is for us."

    —Jesus, Mark 9-40 (NWT)

    The Jehovah’s Witnesses assert exclusivity. That is, they are the only true Christian faith. The JWs are not alone with this assertion amongst dominations that call themselves Christians. At most, only one such assertion can be true. However, rather than discussing grounds for this doctrine being true in regard to the JWs or any other denomination, I’d rather question the validity of such a doctrine on the part of any denomination in light of Jesus’ admonition as stated above.

    The context is that the apostles tried to stop a preacher casting out demons in the name of Jesus notwithstanding the fact that he was apparently not affiliated with Jesus and his disciples. Jesus elaborates in verse 41:

    “And whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ; I tell you truly, he will by no means lose his reward.”

    At the very least, Jesus seems to indicate that salvation is possible outside his religious organization. It is one’s actions and belief in him and his messianic mission on behalf of Jehovah rather than membership in his organization per se which is critical. In that light, why do JWs not only maintain exclusivity but discourage (if not strictly forbid) close associations (friendships, for example) with non-JWs?

    Thank you.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Welcome Don.

    I hope you gain as much here as I do!

  • Aroq

    Excellent question and welcome. Thank you for this little nugget.

    From thier own literature, it is said that without their direction, you could not understand the scriptures. So maybe you just aren't thinking the way they are.

    Or maybe it is becasue those who are in the Org are sooo much closer to Jehovah.

    Again, it could be that in those times the org was in its infantcy and thus that specific preacher had not yet come in, but would very soon.

    Or the most logical conclusion is IT'S A CULT.

  • Crazyguy

    Welcome Don and yeah its a cult, their arrogance disqualifies them for Jesus said not to exalt or judge and in this case they do both.

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    It;s nice to be part of a club, especially where you are lead to believe that you are special. Its no different than the popular groups at school. Typically, however, from my experience, most of the people that belong to the popular groups go on to lead unhappy lives....

  • Don Schneider
    Don Schneider

    Thank you for your welcomes, which are most appreciated. However, I apparently misjudged the nature of this forum by its name. I wondered if my registration request would even be accepted and, if so, if my question would be allowed, as I thought this was a forum moderated by JWs. Knowing what I do about JWs, I doubt that many would even read here let alone post. I had hoped it was a JW forum in which JWs would be at least liberal enough to answer legitimate questions that are not meant to be argumentative, as my question was not. I simply was hoping for clarification as to how they viewed this scripture within its context.

    I cannot be “disfellowshiped,” let alone an “apostate,” as I have never been a JW. My interest in the subject is that many years ago now someone very close to me became one which resulted in much anguish for me. However, after much time I have ultimately (albeit begrudgingly) come to accept it as I have little choice.

    I recognized early on that the JWs are indeed a cult. However, in all honesty I must also acknowledge that the same could be said of the original Christian community. When I recently came across this scripture, it just piqued my interest as it seems contrary to that perception.

    If any JW in good standing is willing to post here, or a former one who is knowledgeable in their beliefs, could explain to me how the organization reconciles exclusivity with these verses, I’d be appreciative. I didn’t come here to bash JWs, simply to make an honest inquiry.

    Thank you all again.

  • Aroq

    you will get what you are looking for and you will get the opposite as well. You just have to filter through the comments. There are plenty here that can and will answer what you are asking. This place is a mixture of all and that is exactly what you are going to get.

    Stick around and find out. There is valuable information here.

  • Aroq

    Again, it is a very good question. I'm not sure if you will get a complete answer from a Jw in good standing, be cause it will require them to step outside of the WT and addres the issue.

    I am very happy you brought this up as I too will ask this, in hopes of getting an answer. If I do get one I'll be sure to send it your way.

  • StarTrekAngel

    I am a JW in good standing... but just because they don't know that I come here. Good standing as a status is a relative term to me. I am in good standing with Jehovah but in the eyes of the org I would be an apostate.

    Tha answer to your question Don, there is no need to reconcile this text with exclusivity. Most JW don't know such texts exists. In my experience, those who do really read the bible from page to page, don't do so conciously. Most, however, have not really read the entire bible in a fashion that would trigger your senses. See, the org gives you, if you ask, a list of paragraphs. In this list, it shows how you can read the entire bible in one year if you read the number of paragraphs per day as layed out in this paper. If you follow such list, you would have indeed read the bible from cover to cover. This does not mean you would have undertood it. There is so much chronology to be followed, names, geography and event that need to be correlated, that this list isn't enough.

    The truth of the matter is that if you study the JW religion closely, you will realize that is utterly dependent on the absence of a handfull of key scriptures. Such would put the entire religion into question. Those scriptures are mostly avoided. It also dependent on the lack of correlation. Certain subjects are studied in isolation of text. For example, you could read 1 Cor 8:1-13 and you could read Acts 15:28 in different studies. But they would never be read back to back, because in first glimpse they technically contradict each other. To make matters worst, if you read them back to back, you would then have to explain the contradiction which, when put into context to explain it, would definitely show that the blood issue is unfounded, same for some celebrations. It would give the R&F too many reason to exercise their own concious choices.

    I shown the text you mention to a couple of JW, including my wife and mother in law, who have been witnesses for much longer than me, and they have no explanation. The next question I asked is, how come we don't read this text at all. No answer either.

    This entire religion is founded in a handfull of scriptures that are either heavily emphasized or heavily avoided. In a nutshell, I also understand that this is proof of the lack of exclusivity, and even proof of how unnecesary this push for unification is. But you don't need the bible to show them that. Just read the July 14 WT .The first two articles. I believe that in the second one there is a paragrpah that implies that congregational unity is more important than biblical truth.

  • BluesBrother

    I am not a J W in good standing but I can try to put it as one might. See this quote from their writings

    Great Teacher book chapt 63

    "For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink on the ground that you belong to Christ, I truly tell you, he will by no means lose his reward.”
    It was not necessary for this man bodily to follow Jesus to be on his side. The Christian congregation had not yet been set up, so his not being part of their group did not mean that he was of a separate congregation. The man really had faith in Jesus’ name and thus succeeded in expelling demons. He was doing something that compared favorably with what Jesus said was deserving of a reward. Jesus shows that for doing this, he will not lose his reward."

    Later on , they would say when the congregation got established it became necessary to be a part of it to be in favour, as the writings of Paul make clear. Since they have deduced that the only religion living up to the requirements of first century Christianity is J W's , then that is it........

    However, If I may now revert to being myself and writing my own thoughts ....I once believed that , of course. Now though it is clear that even if one accepts the Bible as God's Word the decision as to which religion of Christendom to follow is undoubtedly a human one.

    A man tells you "I have decided that this one is right and all others wrong" ....." If you disagree with me then you must be at best incredibly stupid and at worst a wicked sinner deserving to suffer death" It is the height of arrogance that can give rise to the fundamentalist religious wars that mankind has seen.

    (btw Welcome Don, I hope you keep posting up interesting observations like this)

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