Some Info from the annual meeting

by thedepressedsoul 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thedepressedsoul

    Up to 13 new songs will be released over time to equal a revised new song book and changes to songs in place due to the new bible. The revised song book cover will look like the new bible. New songs will be practiced at the service meeting

    All of Jesus parables have been simplified. They no longer were prophecy fulfilled around the 1914 era. All evil slaves etc are just a warning now. Talents just means gifts all have been given. There are no longer meanings to every little thing that they use to apply around the 1914 date.

    JW TV station along with video ondemand which will allow people to also tie in for family worship

    2014 service year peaked at over 8 million - 19.5 and counting for memorial

    New app featuring 4k different phrases in different languages

    New videos, music videos etc...

    100k requests for bible studies over the last 2 years on 550 languges, 700 publications in different languages, 1.5 unique visotors daily from August to September

    Bethelites can now go to pioneer school

    Types and Antitypes don't apply as much as they use to and they said, "Where the bible is silent, we must be silent"

    Gog of Maygog "Is most likely the king of the north and not satan now"

    Pocket size edition of the new bible

    New audio bible is being completed, different voice for every character

  • thedepressedsoul

    On JW Broadcasting a GB will give a 1 hour talk once a month

  • thedepressedsoul

    Nothing was announced in regards to a 10 hour pioneer or a local needs change at the annual meeting

  • Phizzy

    " All of Jesus parables have been simplified. They no longer were prophecy fulfilled around the 1914 era. All evil slaves etc are just a warning now. Talents just means gifts all have been given. There are no longer meanings to every little thing that they use to apply around the 1914 date."

    So we can take the bit of Jesus parable that mentions the FDS as just that, part of a parable, there is no FDS today ?

  • donuthole

    Interesting about the parables. It continues an overal simplification of how they handle Bible prophecy. They are aschewing the "deeping things" of the Russell/Rutheford/Franz era and going with a more general Christianity.

    Much the type/antitype style interpreation was used to bolster "proof" that the Watchtower-centric Bible Students were the correct faith as opposed to rival factions. This is being moved away from. Proof is no longer need it at this point. Whatever the GB says is truth.

    It may also start a shifting away from 1914 in general. Now that 100 years of have past and they have had a celebration they can put it on the shelf.

    New televison continues the promotion of a cult-of-personality around GB members. (Note how often the GB is mentioned, often in connection with, or subitute of JW.)

    Putting all of this together it seems like Jehovah's Witnesses will be transitioning to a modern religion. The teachings will be simplified. Like the mormons the focus will be on family and community.

  • WTWizard

    And just so I can dog qualifying for an Israel mission into 2015 and beyond, I have some ideas for the 13 new songs.

    1--Led Zeppelin Stairway to Heaven

    2--Michael Jackson Bad

    3--Janet Jackson Nasty

    4--Eagles Hotel California

    5--Led Zeppelin Black Dog

    6--Led Zeppelin Kashmir

    7--D12 Purple Pills

    8--50 Cent In My Hood

    9--Eagles Witchy Woman

    10--Madonna Dress You Up

    11--Prince When Doves Cry

    12--Foreigner Double Vision

    13--Poison Unskinny Bop

    Not to mention all the Christmas songs you can get your grubby paws on.

  • GreenhornChristian

    It sure sounds like a shift away from 1914. They have to do it slowly and distance themselves from the doctrine so the rank and file can say "Yeah well that's what I believed anyway so it must be the truf"

  • thedepressedsoul

    If def seems like some big changes are coming, they're going after #'s now, there is no denying that. They want to make a splash in the religous world.

    1914 will slowly be faded but it'll take years and years. Peirce is now dead so tech it's all "New Guys" on the GB that have a say now. I expect blood to be slowly faded too and DF losened. It's all going to change, some quicker than others.

    After the annual meeting I could tell they know the end isn't coming soon. One GB talked about future expansion over the next 2 years and didn't even say if the end doesn't come. Bigger changes are yet to come, #'s is the main game now.

    All the old stuff is out the window with these new guys. Almost all the older teachings are getting squashed in favor of easier less contriversal teachings.

  • wallsofjericho

    it's almost as if the GB is "settling in" into this old system and getting comfortable. No more imminent end or brash statetments of types/antitypes

    they are backing off, doing damage control and going mainstream(ish)

    they need the persecution complex but holidays, birthdays and voting will always provide this.

    I agree, blood will be a non-issue in 5-10 years. I don't think they'll make a big deal out of it. Quietly, in a QFR or small article they will sneak in obfuscated wording that doesn't smack in the face of blood refusal but opens the door for concientious transfusion. It will be between you and Jah and you aren't to share your decision/opinion with anyone.... kind of like organ transplants. hush hushAnd they'll still maintain an HLC to soften the blow for the hard liners. Within 2-3 years the HLC will be quielty discontinued

    1914 will never be dropped, but the plethera of events tied to it are dropping like flies. This AGM continues this pattern of the past 5 years. Terms like "beginning of the harvest work" instead of "since 1914" slowly become the new axioms. This has already happened even with regard to 607BCE with only one referece to the year in an article followed by "since Babylon's conquest of Jerusalem..." etc.

    we're not crazy... look! we have apps!

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    GB Splane said: "Where the Bible is silent, we must be silent"

    What is WT's track record on being silent?:

    1. On the matter of 1914 doctrine: The Bible is silent vs WT has been outspoken!

    2. On the matter of Overlapping Generation doctrine: The Bible is silent vs WT has been outspoken!

    3. On the matter of Blood Transfusion doctrine: The Bible is silent vs WT has been outspoken!

    4. On the matter 'Pioneer Service' doctrine: The Bible is silent vs WT has been outspoken!

    5. On the matter of Disfellowshipping and Shunning doctrine: The Bible is silent vs WT has been outspoken!

    6. On the matter of being critical of Higher Education: The Bible is silent vs WT has been outspoken!

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