Watchtower sitting on potential goldmine of millions of non-JW memorial attenders

by yadda yadda 2 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • joe134cd

    I have asked myself this many times of how they will spend hours and hours trying to get a new member and yet will do relatively nothing to retain or maintain an existing member. It takes 10x the effort and money to get a new customer than what it takes to keep an existing one happy. That's a fact and something I'm sure Wt could benefit from.

  • Vidiot

    yadda yadda 2 - "It's like they feel JW's have to be the opposite and contrarian on absolutely everything in order for it to be 'the truth'."

    That's Rutherford's DNA raising it's alcoholic head; if mainstream Christianity said "left", he'd say "right", even if "left" was completely defensable.


    There's something ironic in a religion so historically anxious to distance itself from its peers, yet inevitably becoming more like them than its members could ever imagine.

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