Calling all UK people, especially near CARDIFF

by kat7302 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • kat7302

    Id love to catch up with anyone near Cardiff or within that circuit. I used to be in Barry congregtion but my parents were so well known and 'in' it, we went to tons of different congregations around there. Actually, anyone reading this from these areas will probably know my parents!!!!! get in touch!

  • Fatal Error
    Fatal Error

    Welcome to the board Kat

    That's a bit far from me...
    What's your story? Still JW, ex,...?

  • Englishman

    Weston super Mare is just across the bay....


  • kat7302

    im an ex jw thank god! My story is really complicated but ask away, ill tell you what you want to know!

  • ballistic

    I hope that's an invite to put you on the UK MAP thread?
    (where you will also see there is a poster very close to you)

  • Matty

    Hi Kathrin, welcome to the sanctuary!

    Cardiff eh? Quite familiar to JWs from far and wide. I know you always have a Convention at Cardiff, but it’s been at Ninian Park for quite a while now – and lets be honest, City’s ground is a dump! It does keep 'em nicely away from the city centre though, doesn't it?!

    And of course, it generally isn’t the last assembly, that honour usually goes to Twickenham - But... Now at last the Millennium Stadium is going to be dubified! Just when you thought it was safe to walk down St Mary’s Street! Plus the fact that it will also be the very last convention in the UK, there will then be the inevitable saddo Sunday last-day-of-term day-trippers that Twickenham usually gets, plus you will get the big bethel cheeses giving the Sunday talks.

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    I'm only 50-60 mins away..(i'll be in Cardiff for the David Grey concert..) meet you half way?!

  • Farkel

    : My story is really complicated but ask away, ill tell you what you want to know!

    Is your name Kelley?

    Focused on Facts Class

  • kat7302

    no,its not Kelley. If your from Cardiff or near and you hear my surname,chances are you'll know me! Noone who's replied has actually given me their name or anything!

  • Englishman

    Well Kat, I am an ex-dub of 55 who is just coming into his prime!

    I do really live across the water from you, I often sail over from Weson to Penarth when this Lovely Lady is around.

    Here she is at Penarth, just outside of Cardiff:


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