Second death-what does it REALLY mean?

by FRUSR8TD 37 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Bleep

    Hope this clears up some things Edge: I was only try to make a point with regards having to have everyone as spirits in heaven. Do not confuse the holy spirit with spiritual beings. God wants those who follow him to have Gods active force the holy spirit. So its this active force that can be a great help towards those he wishes to find. With regards to Adam feeling left out (not having a mate) it was his idea to have one. We are not alone in the universe as many think, we can all agree on that. We are a good creation says God. Jesus was the designer here and that is why he was sent down on earth. There were many angels that looked down and liked what they saw. They took the form of man and had relations with the women even. Being more holy it was a bad thing to do.
    With regards to the head of the houshold being a man. As long as the man of the household serves Jesus and does what is right, the wife should obey. If not then she has every right to get a seperation. If he would have a relationship with another woman or does something detestable to God.

  • Bleep

    haha Farkel nice point.
    I just added that for something extra. I knew there would be someone dieing to ask me why i listed animals. The animals were made first so they can add some fertalizer to the earth i think.
    I am sure that he made them for humans to enjoy. Of course they are not made in Gods image but anything killed should be used for food. Since blood is sacred to God... I am not sure if peope in the new system of things will still be eating flesh. That is another topic. Animals are not really judged. God even takes care of the birds.

  • Bleep

    Animals are ruled by humans and then spirits have more power and obligations and then Jesus has even more power and obligations and then God has the most power since he created all things. I should of done my homework on what that order of importance and power is but I am sure it is called something. Animals were listed last becouse they are without a conscience. True they were made first but they were not created in Gods image. That might explain why they are last.

    With the question of John 11:25-26 "Jesus said to her: "I am the resurrection and the life. He that exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life; and everyone that is living and exercises faith in me will never die at all." I am sure that Jesus said that they will come to life after they rest in the common grave which is hell. Why would there be so many names for death if there wasnt a second death? When Satan dies the beast will be thrown down into a dark abyss. Total darkness (which seems like hell), a common hole in the ground or grave. people seem to think it is allready there. Satan was casted down here "woe to the earth". Why down here some may ask? So that Satan can test humans and be like God. Who is the god of this system? Everyone should know it is Satan. Why else would there be such hatred and destruction.

  • Bleep

    Animals are ruled by humans and then spirits have more power and obligations and then Jesus has even more power and obligations and then God has the most power since he created all things. I should of done my homework on what that order of importance and power is but I am sure it is called something. Animals were listed last becouse they are without a conscience. True they were made first but they were not created in Gods image. That might explain why they are last.

    With the question of John 11:25-26 "Jesus said to her: "I am the resurrection and the life. He that exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life; and everyone that is living and exercises faith in me will never die at all." I am sure that Jesus said that they will come to life after they rest in the common grave which is hell. Why would there be so many names for death if there wasnt a second death? When Satan dies the beast will be thrown down into a dark abyss. Total darkness (which seems like hell), a common hole in the ground or grave. people seem to think it is allready there. Satan was casted down here "woe to the earth". Why down here some may ask? So that Satan can test humans and be like God. Who is the god of this system? Everyone should know it is Satan. Why else would there be such hatred and destruction.

  • Bleep

    Sorry i posted my second death reply two times.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    Hope this clears up some things Edge: I was only try to make a point with regards having to have everyone as spirits in heaven.
    Sorry BLEEP, but it doesn't clear it up...I believe, as most Christians that people have spirits...Yesterday you were complaining that we don't back up our points thru scriptures. We've given you scriptures, but you ignore them. You sound just like my JW friend, it's always a one-sided conversation. Again, you've caught me at the end of the day...I've got to run...I hope to be able to respond to your other points...because BROTHER, THEY NEED TO BE RESPONDED TO.
  • Bleep

    I never said that you never used the holy scriptures as a referance. My words come from the bible as well. What I wanted is a common understanding that there are some truth in the scriptures. This is what i wanted. " We see what is really happening with this old world and we are not happy with what we see. I do not like the constant questioning of my religion. It is mostly negative and 10% of it is upbuilding. >>It is not to earthly man to even think of a better way<< says the christian greek scriptures. AND this scripture is in the Bible as well >>Better is the man not to be born than to risk not having everlasting life.<< Tell me where those scriptures are at and maybe I will stay on this discusion chat room. Just wanted help in finding these two. No one will help me so why should i stay here.

  • Bleep

    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Full Screen Edition)
    Daniel Radcliffe is advertised here. You are all spirits so why not practice spiritism and be like the devil. This is the way? I am sure it is not the way we were made to be. Only evil spirits enjoy using this kind of power against mortals.

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