I`m Inactive

by Beans 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • somebody

    The one good thing about being an "inactive" JW is that you can use it to your advantage. Playing with the JW words can be useful if you know the JW mentality. When I talk to JWs online, they immediately ask me if I'm da'd or df'd. I am not, so therefore, they continue in our discussion. I am an inactive JW according to "them". And I've never been df'd or da'd, so I'm really and inactive JW in good standing {although that would make me spiritually starved/weak} What do I consider myself? An ex-jw. If there was a way to be unbaptized in association with the JWs, I could be a real ex-jw.

    somebody...of the immature Christian class

    "Air baths are good for preventing colds.. What you do is strip naked mornings and evenings and then bob up and down for a while."~ Golden Age Feb 10 1926 31

    Group air bath,anyone?

  • Michael3000

    Yeah - to be considered an "acitve" Dub, you have to at least put in yer 15 minutes, plus be up on all the latest JW mythology they like to call "being a part of Jehovah's organization". Blech!

    They don't put too much value on having a personal relationship with the Creator of your choice - it's their way or the highway!

  • Beans

    To add to Michael3000 you also have to go to a coffee shop once a week and hide your Watchtowers so knowbody steals them!


  • Satanus

    According to them i had ceased being a witness when i became inactive. It puzzled me that dfing would still be done to a nonwitness (inactive). Kind of like double jeopardy, don't you think?


  • Michael3000
    To add to Michael3000 you also have to go to a coffee shop once a week and hide your Watchtowers so knowbody steals them!

    LOL, Beans! Been so long since I was a Pie-In-Ear, I nearly forgot about the ol' Coffee Shop ploy!

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