Still nothing credible?

by Separation of Powers 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    I can hardly believe that anything new is gonna be announced at the Annual Meeting. I mean, there is absolutely no one I know in this organization capable of keeping a secret and we haven't heard anything but "big changes are coming" "just wait and see" "big things are in the works" and my personal favorite posted by one of our members who was told not to disassociate because "things are gonna be announced that will change your mind".

    No one I know at the hall or in positions of responsibilty has ever been able to keep anything confidential. It's always been like the character on In Lving Color, "I aint one to gossip...BUT you didn't hear that from me."

    So, let's just see how hush hush things were really kept..


  • redvip2000

    Believe me, NOTHING exciting is in the works. If anything new comes out of it will be bland and predictable - always been like that.

    I remember travelling to Canada for an international convention maybe 10 years ago, and the word was that a new important resolution was going to be passed. There was gossip and talk that perhaps preaching would be stopped because the end was so near, or perhaps something equally important.

    We were all sitting in the stadium when the resolution was announced. The resolution was something like: "We Jehovah Witnesses have taken a resolution to continue to worship Jehovah faithfully forever".... or something similar. Even then I remember people looking at each other and saying "that's it?"... what a joke.

  • steve2

    It's like expecting one's friends and family to throw one a "surprise" party...and then nothing happens.

    Business as usual. Anticlimax. Hard feelings to deal with.

    Sometimes when nothing happens that is worth noting for the build up and disappointment.

    How many inside will feel in some way discouraged?

  • prologos

    we are going to thing "anew song" or three? Rev. 5:9--?

  • Theredeemer

    They are never getting rid of disfellowshipping, armageddon, 1914, no blood, preaching and 144000. These are cornerstones of the doctrine and too many would be stumbled to get rid of these. That does not mean that they cant tweak or change them a little.

    Armageddon has not come and never will. They can spin it how ever they like but this is the undeniable truth! New light, old light it doesnt matter. Right now they are in survival mode. They are an animal caught in the trap of time. Are they willing to bite off their limb to survive? What ever they do to survive will leave this religion hobbled and disfigured and eventually, just like an animal that resorts to such lengths, they will end up dead anyway.

  • StarTrekAngel

    Since we are here ready to comment on any possible ideas (aka brainstorming), then a stop to the preaching work is not so far fetched. One of the big speeches at the international convention in Houston (spanish) was how other churches ( I believe they mentioned Mormons specifically) had mentioned that the new preaching field was in social media. The accerted with all calpital letters that JWs would never, ever do that. That the way to reach people was at their home.

    If we consider that the WTBTS has been famous for putting their footh in their mouth, then is almost like a self fulfilling prophecy. If they say something they will never do, then expect it to come soon.

    With all that said, I fear the day they begin to preach that Armaggedon is not coming after all.. :)

  • singlebaby

    As regards to "make you want to stay", LOVE should make you want to stay!! NOT some policy change.

    But they will never get that!

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    My bet is that the G.B. is definitely going to reveal some big change/s at the Annual Meeting, and the reason no one has heard anything is because the G.B. has closed ranks in order to prevent leaks!

    If I'm wrong, - and I hope I am for this reason - then the G.B. will at a stroke turn their big self-promoting event into a non-event, and give Witnesses everywhere a valid reason to give future Annual Meetings a body-swerve!

    If the G.B. doesn't keep up the momentum of the Org's chariot, they know that people can step off it more easily.

  • Ucantnome

    when is this meeting?

  • TheOldHippie

    At 2 o'clock ............

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