Facebook Rumor is Bullshit, Here's Why! Coming From "MyApostateTrial".

by BucketShopBill 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BucketShopBill

    The Watchtower told the Elders Cosmo Rose and Dennis Black and Eric MacGufus whoall appeared on those videos, they were going to use the "Full Weight of the Watchtower to remove those Videos and take Eric Botorff to Court", ask Eric Botorff if he has been to Court to have his videos removed. Same thing with ChrisWilting and Brother Wally Belt(a causality of meeting with Eric, she said Wally was deleted for having coffee with Eric), each Elder and former Elder told my sister "We are working on getting those Apostate Videos down ASAP!" It's been years since those videos, do you think the Watchtower has any clout, if they did those videos would be removed, it's all bunk!

    The Apostate Videos and Apostate Trial are still on Eric's "Ray Publisher's Website", does that tell you anything? If the Watchtower really wanted to remove those videos they have legal means via "California's code of privacy 562 or some bunk number. Don't get scared from Facebook even though they are eating Google's lunch and Facebook is being forced to think about privacy and hiding your data, listen to the upcoming Facebook Conference Call in the Fourth Week of October because that's going to be huge issue. Facebook is getting a huge backlash from their expertiments they performed on you and others, recording posts you never typed to figure out why you did not post. Privacy of data is huge because people are tired of all the data miners trolling for their info along with Cyber Crimes.

    Was it ok I mentioned those brothers who told my sister they were going to bring Eric's site down or should I remove them? You know each of these men because Eric name's them on his videos and it's got those Elders scrambling for ideas. Eric has become the "King Pinn Apostate of the Central Coast", he scare's the Hell out of his former Kingdom Hall because they are losing Publishers like flies and those Elders don't have any answers to respond to his questions!


    I guess it will all work out somehow.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Eric has become the "King Pinn Apostate of the Central Coast", he scare's the Hell out of his former Kingdom Hall because they are losing Publishers like flies and those Elders don't have any answers to respond to his questions!



  • noahwayforreals

    Could someone she'd some light on what videos these are, I'm in the dark on this one.

  • Oubliette

    RayPublisher's main website: JWStruggle

    Here is his YouTube channel: JWStruggle YouTube

    There, he wrote this:

    Published on Sep 17, 2014

    YouTube has been burning their bridges with some of us channel operators over the last year, adding more and more restrictions and advertisements and needless layers of complications. The commenting system has been seriously screwed up too. (As many of you are aware!)

    One significant problem and concern is alleged "copyright violation claims" and other allegations of abuse. YouTube tends to instantly take down people's work and ask questions later, cutting the channel creator off at the knees and not even allowing them to refute any false charges. Various friends in the exJW community are facing this regularly as the money changers that work as slaves for the global Watchtower Corporation that is worth over a billion dollars continue to harass former members. Their objective is to shut down any voices that speak TTATT. These agents of the WT and JW.org are being helped by some of the more militant members of the religion they control, Jehovah's Witnesses. There has been instances of hacking, (My website JWStruggle.com among them) slander, fake comments, trolling, etc. to substantiate many of these occurrences.

    My goal as I move forward is to expand my video offerings, improve the viewing experience, and also protect the channel from vandalism and shutdowns. I plan to do it in the following ways:

    • Switch most new videos to the streaming provider Vimeo, who has a proven track record and is used by amateurs and professionals all over the world alike.
    • Remove ALL ads from popping up while my subscribers are watching JWStruggle videos.
    • Protect the JWStruggle website and videos from militant opposers of TTATT.
    • Generate some modest donations so as to purchase new equipment and software and improve the quality and scope of the channel. Vimeo allows a "tip jar" to be put out and anyone that likes a video can donate a dollar or a pound or a euro to support the work that we are doing.

    Please give me your feedback fellow Strugglers as this all progresses and unfolds. I am committed to making JWStruggle better and better for those of us that want to break free of cult mind control!

  • Londo111

    BucketShopBill: Good points! I hope you are right.

  • Giordano

    Thanks for sharing Eric's information. I confess that I have not explored his site and I will assuage my conscience by visiting and tipping in support of TTATT.

  • oldguy

    Hi folks

    Thank you Oubliette for bringing this to my attention. I wondered why after touting JW Struggle videos to my X JW kids as a fun way of seeing and interacting with other former JW's their own age.

    So I just get off the phone and when I click on Youtube JW Struggle Most of the video's are gone! So I go to JW Struggle.com and the whole format is different!

    The Vimeo site was still under construction and I lost the link for it now. My kids must think I'm loosing it.

    Have a great day Oldguy

  • oldguy

    This happened to me maybe five days ago.

  • Balaamsass2

    We had the opportunity of meeti ng Eric and a number of people from JW Struggle at the Tahoe Aposta fest. The site has been very effective in helping many who had never heard of JWN. I was impressed.

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