Is this year's AGM being streamed to KH and Assembly Halls?

by hardtobeme 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • hardtobeme

    Last year it was a big thing in our congo. This year I haven't heard it at all.

    Is it being streamed this year?

  • St George of England
  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    No...not in the US at least

  • Londo111

    The "Zone" visit in November will be.


    Zone visit = who gives a shit...


  • millie210

    Still not understand that "zone visit" concept at all.

    If U.S. is the world headquarters and where the GB are stationed, why do they need a visit? And who from?

    Do they visit themselves?

  • Apognophos

    It's a visit from... um... okay, I have no idea either. Hopefully they'll start off the Zone Visit by explaining what a Zone Visit is. Hmm, say Zone Visit a lot and it sounds like something from Mars....

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Millie says: 'Still not understand that "zone visit" concept at all.'

    You're not alone Millie. Just like most JWs don't understand that 'overlapping generation' thingee; most JWs don't understand that zone visit thingee either! I do know it has something to do with a visit from a zone overseer-who ever in the hell he is! And what in God's name does he do???

    All things considered, zone visits fall under the category of Watchtardedness!

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