Yoo-Hoo I love Publicity Like this- Welsh TV Exposure

by Slidin Fast 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Slidin Fast
  • Motorman

    It appears,at least to me,that the WTS in the UK have quite a bit on their plates with recent issues.

    safegaurding in the UK is now high on all public body agendas.Trying to get a copy of their child protection policy isn't easy.For an organization that feels it owns the word truth,its appears to me to have its own rather peculiar definition of the word.

  • humbled

    Hey, hey, Motorman!

    First post!

    See you soon again?

    SlidingFast, Great article--brave people to lay it on the line for the public.

    THINK PEOPLE!! JWs ARE JUST PEOPLE--NOT A 'SPECIAL POSSESSION'--as long as you put up with this mind control you are merely specially possessed.

  • steve2

    The organization will learn that sex abuse is sex abuse regardless of where it occurs.

    It still likes to portray sex abuse within the confines of "the churches of Christendom", then it cries "foul" when courageous people step forward and say, "It also occurs in the organization"

    Of greater interest from an investigative perspective, though, are the organization's policies which tend to make it difficult for alleged offenders to be reported to the secular authorities, which in most countries is the local police.

  • quellycatface

    That's very positive news. Child abusers should always be punished, regardless.

    The WTBS have made a mockery of our justice system. Shame on them.

    May justice prevail.

  • Phizzy

    The punishment of offenders is of course a priority. And the support for victims needs to be too.

    But also of vital importance is getting the W.T to implement a proper Active Protection Programme for the Vulnerable.

    All responsible Churches , Social Groups, Associations and Clubs here in the U.K have such Programmes in place. My local Clay Pigeon Shooting club has one ! we have only just over thirty members ! And yet we have an appointed adult responsible for making sure the Programme is working whenever children or the vulnerable are present.

    Such people and associations could claim that the primary responsibility lies with parents or carers for Protection, and then do nothing like the JW's , but no, they take their respnsibilities very seriously.

    No member is allowed to go off with a vulnerable person to a private place, if a young/vulnerable person enters the Toilet facilities whilst adults are there, the adults vacate the facilities until the at risk person has finished etc etc

    If a small Club can do all that the JW's can do more, but no, they simply wish to facilitate Paedophiles in their filthy, wicked practces, and then cover it all over to keep such activity from Public view.

    Having a piece of paper with some Policy written upon it is useless, it is the positive actions of people to ensure the vulnerable are protected that are needed.

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