LIVE! from the 2014 International Convention, its 'Your Girl Brooklynn!!'

by j dubb 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • j dubb
    j dubb

    The latest WTAF dub convention video...enjoy

  • WingCommander

    Oh myyyyyy! An "extraordinary event", being hosted by this self-centered narcassist named "Brooklyn"! I can't wait. No way this crap would have been tolerated when I was a kid......not even 10 years ago. This is a totally showy, "worldly" type display of self-agrandizing crap! So many fake much phoneyness. Where does one even begin? I MIGHT make it 10 minutes in to this.....MAYBE? But 90 minutes? Nah!

    - Wing Commander

  • WingCommander

    Here's an even better video of "Brooklyn" (Real name Selma) going to a "Worldly" water park in Galveston, TX for "Spring Break." She is really living it up like some sort of spoiled celebrity housewife, drinking booze with barely 21 year old, and having a grand 'ol time surrounded by "worldly" people in a "worldly" water park. It's only 10 minutes, which is all I can stand of this pompous posuer:

    As a child, I wasn't even allowed to GO to an amusement park until I was 15 years old because of the bad association/worldly people and influence. My, how times have changed! Apparently this windbag has her own show on a local Houston cable TV channel, ala "Wayne & Garth." Talk about having a showy display, and being worldly! Gah!

    - Wing Commander

  • hamsterbait

    Note SHE is interviewing her superior penis- toting interviewees and has no head covering.

    I am glad iPad screens do not absorb stomach contents.

  • TheListener

    Is she a witness? Unbelievable.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I like her....better than some of the prudes I knew.

  • MaybeSo

    I'm on this video!!

    Yeah, it was worse in person. Talk about brothers and sisters showing their true colors.

  • Vidiot

    "Live from Brooklyn, it's Watchtower night!"

  • RobertT18

    is this real?

  • Vidiot

    Okay; watched the first 5 or 10 minutes.


    Sometimes I suspect that the rank-and-filers who shill for their religion on Youtube do an even better job (albeit indirectly) discrediting the WTS than we do...

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