Spanking WT in Benton KY

by silentlambs 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • crawdad2

    dear people of silent lambs,

    thank you for standing up in behalf of the innocent victims of the wicked gov body.
    i sense that the gov body is feeling the effect of the spirit of the "real truth",......that you are showing them.
    my heart is with you.

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    Thank you so much for this Good News it really made my saturday morning happy. You have done a good service for the poor lambs.

    I love to see the WT on the retreat.

    These JC have done so much harm and caused so much pain let them hang their heads in shame, for a change.

    I'm thankfull that you were able to pull it off. I think you and the not so silent lambs have helped many by speaking out.

    Join the Watchtower or you will die.
    Only Jehovah's Witnesses have the TRUTH all other religions EVIL and from the Devil.
    You must beleive the Watchtower or you're going to die a painful death forever, isn't that really GOOD NEWS?

    BILL DID ANYONE SING 'I WILL SURVIVE' by GLORIA GAYNOR some one with a loud voice that carrys without a mike !!! queenie and family

  • TR

    Good job Bill, and the silent lambs!


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division


    Hey Bill,you kicked ass!Those bastards are afraid of anything truthfull.We`ll be watching you on the tube come tuesday.I`ll be telling a whole lot of people about your show on Dateline.They will be watching along with the rest of us.So from the Great White North,I wish you the best,you have done much to protect the children...OUTLAW

  • sf

    Dear Bill,

    By WITNESSING your face on my t.v. screen last night (the previews), I had a great night's sleep.




    It is suggested to please stay tuned in to nbc for COMMERCIAL SPOTS on Tuesdays show. The Today show may even cover something Tuesday morning.


    Too many 'lambs'!

  • sf

    ROFLOL TR!!!!!!! Your picture is hysterical. How about the one where you are laughing real hard. Oh, that would be real hiliarious too.

    Can you do this with anyones face? I have someone in mind I'd like to have 'altered'?


    Too many 'lambs'!

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    This really looks good on the WTS!!!! How warm and wonderful all you silentlambs must feel to finally see the WTS and elders squirming.

    It is one thing for the WTS and staunch JWs to be smug and self-satisfied when the newspapers reports experiences of the JWs who were persecuted for "doing the lord's work", "preaching the good news", "displaying loyalty to God" etc. etc. and blah, blah.

    But instead of "standing firm in the face of adversity" these elders simply showed blatant cowardice, and were totally rude to not even show up and try to explain why they didn't want to hold the meeting.

    You loyal JWs take note ....WTS cannot cry "persecution for righteousness sake". This is simply getting your just rewards, WTS and you elders of Bill's congregation. Its the old "what goes around, comes around" thing.

    Open your eyes all the rest of you 'dear' elders who follow every syllable coming from the mouths of the are merely the lowly peasants doing the dirty laundry of the fat, rich lords of the manor.

    I hope you soon open your eyes and see how you are just the pawns in the big chess game the WTS is playing.

  • Schibolet

    I can't believe the stupidity of some people. Of course that the Judicial Committee were not going to play Mr. Bowens games. They will not follow HIS RULES. He is making a mockery of Jehovah's way of handling things.

    Moronic apostates are now rejoicing claiming that the "elders are running and squirming". But wait, wasn't Mr. Bowens the first to cancel and not show up for his committe hearing. Oh but that's not running scared, those are tactics. You people are simply amazing, in a satanic kind of way.

  • Valis

    Umm, which part of this did you not read?

    Dear brothers,
    I was here for my judicial hearing which you did not show up for.
    Rejoice Apostates Rejoice!!!

    I would imagine they are way too chicken to have all those people in attendance. It would expose them even further as incompetent and idiotic. 4 against 45 sounds like better odds to me. Way to go Bill. Thanks for all your hard work.


    District Overbeer

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