Silentlambs web site

by Jourles 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jourles

    This is for Bill ----


    I had a couple questions regarding your website. First one was, what exactly to you do with the money that you receive from donations? And the second was, do you make mention of saying "God Bless" anywhere on your site?

    The reason for asking is - someone I spoke with went to your site and slammed you for asking for money and saying God Bless insinuating that you have turned Baptist or something. This same person is a hard-core witness and knows of the upcoming Dateline piece. I guess in their mind, it is easier to say that you are up to no good because of these two items described. It also takes the pressure of of them to figure out in their mind why on earth a real witness would have such a site.

    Maybe a little constructive critisism here, but could you maybe add a few lines to your website explaining where the donations you receive go towards? And for any witnesses that may be reading your website, you must realize that saying "God Bless" strikes a cord with them making them think that you are not a real witness. Hell, I think that, but I do not really care anymore what other witnesses think about it. That is really up to you as far as what you want to write. Just thought I would bring that up. Maybe others here could offer suggestions as to how you could gear your site more towards witnesses, as I believe that is the whole purpose of your site, correct? The real purpose being helping victims of those under the WT.

  • RR

    Oh, so if Bill said "Jehovah bless" that would be okay? lol

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it! .


    Saying god bless will strike a cord with dubs?(LOL)You don`t know a dam thing about dubs or you wouldn`t have spouted that line off.This is a cult.There are things cult members do,and do not say.If you want to help out Bill Bowen,call him up and ask"Is there anything I can do to help you out."Simple...OUTLAW

  • MikeMusto

    Bills busy now. He is being df'd

  • Jourles

    Outlaw said:

    You don`t know a dam thing about dubs or you wouldn`t have spouted that line off

    Oh really? First off, was it ME that said that, or someone else that I merely quoted from? I believe I only explained that is how I felt when I hear that expression, as I am still in but inactive. It sounds to me that YOU are the one that has lost touch with the witness train of thought. Do you mean to tell me that if and when you were a witness, that if you sneezed and a witness standing by said, "God bless you," every other witness within earshot would question the "spirituality" of the one who uttered that phrase? Question: Who here on this board knows exactly what I am talking about? When you were all witnesses at one time, did you ever say God bless you when someone sneezed out in service? If you didn't, why not? Because it is how we were trained. It was one of those unwritten rules that we all followed.

    So much for trying to give the die-hard witness view of Bill's site. Looks like some people jump on the cult bandwagon a little too quickly and defend one side of the issue without thinking about differing views.

    Sheesh. I'll go back to my lurking hole now and pull over the rock.


    Hey Jourles,your no die hard dub,your a fuck-up.You have no idea how we were trained,dipshit!Keep trolling,TROLL!.(LOL)...OUTLAW

  • MikeMusto

    Outlaw has a potty mouth. He should wash it out with soap.


    Hey MikeMusto,WHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYY Thank you!!!!!!!!.You know what you can do with the bar of soap.(LOL!!)...OUTLAW

  • MikeMusto

    Soap in any area is beneficial

  • Cassiline

    ALL this Information can be found at Silentlambs Website, Why don't you look it up OR have your friend look it up?

    We also would like to provide a resource for any victim of molestation to utilize and be able to find help. We have established silentlambs as a non-profit organization for the benefit of those who have been molested. We wish to provide resources to offer counseling, legal, financial and other assistance to those whose lives have been injured by molestation issues. If you would like to contribute your time or resources to assist this effort, please e-mail us at [email protected] . If you would like to help financially to support our effort to help victims, donations can be sent to:


    Silentlambs, inc is now a 501,C, 3 non-profit corporation and your donation to support our work can now be tax-deductable. Monies donated will be used exclusively for the benefit of victim assistance and making known this issue to force Watchtower to change its misguided policy. You may use a credit card, money order or Pay-Pal. To utilize this option, CLICK HERE

    "friends of silentlambs"-We wish to establish a network of safe houses for victims who may be in danger or who may be victimized by misguided Jehovah’s Witnesses. We are looking for individuals who could provide sanctuary for up to thirty days for parents and children who may be threatened. We would like to establish safe havens in every state within the United States. We ask you provide information about your ability to be able to assist in this regard. If you would like to become a part of a network known as "friends of silentlambs", to register CLICK HERE

    LEGAL ASSISTANCE-If you have experience in legal areas such as an attorney or paralegal and wish to volunteer or work at a reduced rate to assistance victims to be protected and help them have a voice when threatened by Watchtower Policy, CLICK HERE

    COUNSELING-If you have credentials for counseling victims of molestation and would like to help direct them on how to get the best assistance, CLICK HERE.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

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