Quote that sums up the whole WT lunacy...

by TheApostleAK 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheApostleAK
    All human problems such as starvation, disease, and injustice will be solved at Armageddon because God is going to kill everyone living that isn't a Witness. Currently, that's 99.9% of the human race.

    I'm gonna use this next time I meet a JW who starts to witness to me or calls on me at my new address...

    JW: Do you believe that all of societies problems like starvation or disease will be solved one day?

    AK: Yes, according to YOUR religion those problems will be solved because the people who have the problems will be destroyed at Armageddon cos they didn't convert to YOUR religion.

    Wonder if I can get them to say that JW's aren't the only ones to be saved at Armageddon.

    From AK

  • crawdad2

    alot of them believe that with all thier heart.......they would just put it to you a little more tactful...but deep down inside they truly believe that only a few will be saved,,,,,,,and they are it.


    G'Day Alan

    It often happens that just after leaving the org both mentaly and officially ( as you have, its only been months yeh ) that you start to be overly critical about the details.

    Your post my friend is full of fallacious statements, i would guess, overcompensated and manifested by your percieved inadequacies WHILST you were a believer.

    Let me ask you a question that illustrates.

    If you believe in the account of Noah and the flood as the JW's interpret it.

    Apparently the earth was in such a terrible state that Jehovah thought it necessary to " flush out "( pun intended ) the evil doers.

    He gave the residents a chance to change their ways, and live decently so as not to be destroyed. Those that accepted would be saved, those that didnt, well he had no choice but to eliminate the sources of badness because it was affecting his creation so much that they had to be stopped... following mate.

    Now assuming that there is a god that created the earth, does he not have the right to do with it as he pleases according to the natural and written laws that he has implimented ???

    Is not Mr BOWEN for example excercising his rights to freedom of speech in his heroic and honourable crusade against the evil he sees in the seemingly hypocritical laws the wt come up with ?? What would you say if they tryed to silence him. It would be an outrage yeh ??

    Things have changed now with our redemtion that christ offers all of us.

    The wt's interpretation and attitudes in this matter certainly is way off the christian mark, definitely, but if you use the parallel of say managing a company you created and drafted of say 1000 employees, would you not be within your rights to terminate employees that abuse the system, destroy the buisness and generally have no regard for you or your cause AFTER warning them several times about their behaviour?

    Would you have a problem in doing this alan, a company you have created and you have set its regulations for the benefit of all involved ?? If you were a shareholder would you argue with the manager for doing this in the interest of all those involved ??

    Cant you see the comparison ??

    You seem to be rallying with those that dont.

  • LoneWolf

    Hmmmm. You forgot to tell us where the quote came from.


  • JuliG

    The problem with your analogy, Bathory, as I see it is that we are talking life and death here, not the "opportunity" to seek employment elsewhere. There are millions of fellow believers in the same God as the Witnesses who have served their God and love their God and He will also destroy THEM? These faithful Christians who reject the WTS's interpretation of second-rate Christianity are worm-food? I would not worship a God like that.

    Jehovah/Yahweh is NOT exclusively the JW God, although sometimes the WTS twists His word until it is unrecognizable.

  • SYN

    The WTBTS is a company, that's the whole problem.

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)

  • sleepy

    As a witness I never believed only witnesses would be saved , it just didn't make sense.
    But I felt I couldn't preach that as it was out of line.
    I expect a lot of witnesses don't beleiive everything they preach.

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    Bathory said: “The wt's interpretation and attitudes in this matter certainly is way off the christian mark, definitely, but if you use the parallel of say managing a company you created and drafted of say 1000 employees, would you not be within your rights to terminate employees that abuse the system, destroy the buisness and generally have no regard for you or your cause AFTER warning them several times about their behaviour?”

    There are some problems with your analogy, Bath. JWs assume God will kill 999 of these “employees.” They are the reason the world is so bad, they say.. The truth is that these 999 are no worse, perhaps better, than many JWs.

    I have been an active JW for MANY years. I have now also been a x-JW for some time. One of the most surprising thins I have learned since leaving the JWs is that worldly people are pretty nice, just as nice as JWs and often nicer. IMHO, the JW view of the causes of worldly problems is way off base. It is the JWs that need to change their ways if the world is to be a better place, along with many non-JWs who need to change their ways.

    Sam Beli

    "...religion opposes the commandments of Almighty God." Violence by J. F. Rutherford 1938

  • Perry

    I can assure you that this kind of garbage definitely affected my uneducated superstitous immigrant ancestors from Sicily. They were being studied with during the late 20's and early 30's. My mother, born in 1933 received the full force of this ignorance and passed on a lighter version to us kids.

    This kind of thinking that the deemonz are everywhere was displayed openly in my house as late as the early Eighties.

    It is embarrassing to know that your relatives fell for such tripe.


    G'Day Mr Beli

    Sam i highly respect every post you have written.

    I see it as being my fault ( i was @ work in a hurry when i wrote it )
    that you and others perceive my false analogy.

    In an attempt to elucidate the parable, the manager / owner is god, we ( all people ) are his employees.

    I never meant to bring the wt into it.

    Forget the wt and its irrelevant laws, throw them in the corner for now, everyone here is so hung up on them and their bloody faults and so and so's, ah this guy was a poof, and that guy changed his mind regarding this, smoke screen, red herring, wives club chit a chat diversions, GET OVER IT PEOPLE, god and his purposes and love is completely hidden from you because of the pain you feel toward wt.

    They are continuing to destroy your relationship with your creator and your allowing it to happen.

    I wanted to express the following in a nut shell.

    " Its gods ball, you can play with it all day long, but he gets the shits if you dont let the other kids play as well "

    Dont blame the wt for your inability to distinguish between gods so called organisation, and god.

    And thats where their weeping and the knashing of their teeth will be because of lost rewards.

    " It is obviously impossible to run a device, which expends energy, without replacing that spent energy." ..god

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