Video Game Systems. Which is better? Help!

by BeautifulGarbage 36 Replies latest social entertainment

  • BeautifulGarbage




    My daughter wants to buy a game system. She’s almost 11 and has decided to use some money she has saved to buy one. I really don’t know which one is best. My mind immediately goes to PRICE. I understand that PlayStation can be purchased for $50 and the prices on the other systems have come down to 200.00 a piece.

    Is there a big difference? Especially, when it comes to Playstation and PlayStation2? I hear that Xbox is better than both, but doesn’t have as many games.

    Last game system we bought was Sega Genesis back when the dinosaurs roamed the earth.

    So, any advice would be appreciated.


  • peaceloveharmony

    hey andee, go with the PS2, she can also watch DVD's with it :) and can play regular playstation games on it.

  • b_ster

    Buy an Atari 2600!!!

    or a PS2... <sigh>

  • Simon

    The XBox is more powerful, has a built in HDD and broadband capability for online gaming (launching soon). The games are brilliant but there are not as many available yes as for the PS2 which has been out longer. There is a limit to how many soccer games, skating games etc... that you need though.

    Don't forget to include the cost of the games in you decision as they add up if you get a few (and it's hardly worth buying the console unless you get a few games to go with it).

    Have a look what games she likes and see which ones are on each platform.

    I have an XBox BTW: awesome! (much better than the old 'binatone' that we had many years ago )

  • jerome


  • Pathofthorns

    I have an xbox and I like it alot (*not thrilled about the recent price but I'd recommend the PS2 for your daughter. I think more people her age would have that system and it would be easier for her to trade games with friends (saving u $$$ buying lots of games).

    PS2 is a sure bet whereas the xbox seems to appeal to an older demographic and has yet to prove itself in the game department. Xbox is a better system but not noticably better when you are playing games.


  • Matty

    The GameCube is a games machine from the masters, Nintendo. It's more powerful and the load times are much faster than PS2 AND the XBox. The little disks are dual-layered to hold up to 3.2 GB of game data.

    Don't dismiss the GameCube because it won't play your DVD's and CDs. I think the little disks are great. The GameCube costs a hundred dollars less than the competition; that's a hundred and thirty less than the XBox with the DVD remote control. For a hundred and thirty bucks you can get a better DVD player with a better remote, DTS sound, and higher picture quality than you would get from an XBox or a Playstation.

  • SYN

    PS2 has more and better games, but the XBos is technically superior and can do many things the PS2 couldn't even dream of with it's graphics engine. That, and built-in broadband and hard drive, makes it a winner. The recent price cuts make it more affordable too!

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)

  • Fatal Error
    Fatal Error

    Why resort to alternate game realities when we so obviously live in a fulfilling spiritual paradise??

  • Pathofthorns
    PS2 has more and better games, but the XBos is technically superior and can do many things the PS2 couldn't even dream of with it's graphics engine. That, and built-in broadband and hard drive, makes it a winner.

    I thought that was a funny comment. The PS2 has "more and better games" but that does not make it a winner. The xbox's superior features but lack of games and presently useless broadband capabilities make it the

    Don't get me wrong. I enjoy playing the same 4 games everyone else has and it looks great in my living room too


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