What are you doing now you are free?

by sleepy 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    What are you using your time to do , that you couldn't do before when enslaved to the decrepit old men of the org?

    I'm now determined to throw down my squeegee , and become an artist.
    Yes I am ashamed to admit I am a window cleaner.
    I have always love drawing and art, but was adviced in school that if Iwanted to be an artist I would have to be determined and be totally focused in order to succeed.
    But knowing I had to pioneer and go to the meetings etc I knew I wouldn't have time .So I choose to let go of my dream and waste my talents in order to serve God by selling magazines.

    In fact the "truth" took up so much time that I almost gave up drawing , I cant draw well unless relaxed and I have plenty of time, in fact my favorite time is early morning when I wake up.

    Now I have no meetings , studying etc I have lots of time to draw and I just cant stop.
    I don't know much about getting into the art world , but looking round different galleries I've seen and comparing my work I belive I can succeed.
    I'll give it my best shot anyway.

  • teenyuck

    I do all the things that we never had time to.

    Golf, bike riding, volunteering, vactioning, drinking, OS (oral sex) and so much more. I went back to school, which was quite satisfying.

    On a side note to OS, on TV last night, there was a show called "Game Show Bloopers" or something like that.

    One of the blooper that never made it on the air was from the early 70's on the game show "The Newlywed Game."

    The game show host asks the woman "Where is the strangest place you have made Whoopee?"

    The woman looks at her husband and says "In the Ass."

    The game show host looked horrified and asked her again. She repeated. He said "Where, not what kind." Then she got it.

    It was hysterical!

  • Jewel

    What are you using your time to do , that you couldn't do before when enslaved to the decrepit old men of the org?

    On Tuesday nights, instead of Book Study, I take my kids to their swimming lessons.

    On Thursday nights, instead of Service Meeting/Ministerial School, we watch "Whose Line Is It Anyway".

    On Saturday, instead of going out in service, I mess around in my gardens.

    On Saturday night, instead of studying my Watchtower, I sometimes (though not often enough) go out on a date with my husband.

    On Sunday morning, I snuggle in bed with my 3 kids, 2 dogs and 2 cats and watch "CBS Sunday Morning". Then have a leisurely breakfast. Then spend time with my family.

    On Monday night, instead of studying my lesson for book study, I either take my daughter to dance class or my son to karate class (my hub and I switch off...)

    I STILL-after all these years-totally ENJOY not being at meeting. I mean I will look around at my family laughing together or whatever, and actually think, "I could be sitting at meeting right this minute, but I'm NOT. I'm HERE instead!"

    Almost worth all those years just for that wonderful feeling of freedom...


  • SPAZnik

    Great thread, I'm dying to reply,
    but no time! So briefly:


    Lotsa fun new exercise & activities, I never had time for before and/or it was frowned upon. Motorbikes, Rockclimbing, Kickboxing/Martial Arts.

    Working towards a career change. Contemplating a few options. MUCH FUN in the process.

    Taking COURSES that will support my career change. Yep, continuing my education. (*gasp*)

    Also meeting new people and making new friends.

    Heee. Most of all, I'm busy doing whatever the hell i want and genuinely LOVING LIFE for the first time ever!!

    happySPAZ <-------'High' on life!

  • The_Bad_Seed

    Top Ten Things I Am Doing Now That I Am Free:

    10 - Billing Bethel for each hour of my life I wasted @ $25-75/H
    09 - Sleeping in on Saturdays and Sundays
    08 - Writing mock YPA Articles (coming to the board very soon)
    07 - Living in 'sin' with my significant other of four years
    06 - Looking forward to dancing naked at 'shepherding calls'
    05 - Dancing naked in general
    04 - Looking forward to watching Dateline next week
    03 - Being a member on this wonderful site I just found out about
    02 - Cooking and eating blood
    01 - Joining Greenpeace!

  • Carmel

    "....eating blood" and "...joining green peace" A tad bit confused?

    sorry, couldn't help it!


  • SPAZnik

    LOL @ The_Bad_Seed.

    Those were great.

    SPAZ <-----also dancing naked, (altho, i've always done that)

    ps - looking forward to the mock YPA articles!

  • The_Bad_Seed

    The blood I now choose to cook and eat is completely Green, completely ethical -- 100% recycled blood, packaged in 100% recycled biodegradable materials. This blood I speak of is also completely fictional, while the naked dancing, and billing Bethel is not. An attempt at sarcasm.

  • Sabine

    The first thing Makena and I did after making the decision to be "free" was buy a house in Hawaii. We realized we COULD live in paradise...on our own terms.

    Then I started attending college, studying all sorts of subjects that interest ME.

    On meeting nights, we go work out at the gym. We are both in the best shape of our lives (ya gotta look good on the beach).

    And of course, sleeping in on the weekends has been wonderful for our relationship...

  • jaccilynn

    living with a "worldly" roommate.
    smoking cigarettes, whenever and where ever i want.
    going to see bands!
    using god damn fucking cuss words.
    playing guitar and considering forming a band.
    staying out past 1 am, without feeling guilty about having to wake up and go out in service.
    listening to extreme political/social/anti-religious poetry every wendesday night (where i smoke and partake in underage drinking).
    watching rated "R" movies!
    learning about diffrent religions.
    planning on going to college.
    having a politcal opinion of my own!

    oh god, so many wonderful things! being free is amazing.

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