Fudging the Numbers: Is the WTBTS in decline?

by Coded Logic 46 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • punkofnice

    I'm sure they will survive because I don't want them to. They are a big business not reliant upon God (existing or not), but upon their own greed for power and money.

    That's what corrupt corporations do.

    They must have a lot of assets locked up in property and other stuff that's secret.

  • konceptual99

    There were 63 baptised in Scotland at the convention. Add on those baptised at the circuit & special days and you are maybe talking about 140 for the year. That's in a country of 5.5 million people and is mostly made up of JW kids getting their rite of passage dunk at 14 - 16 years old. So maybe 50 have come in through the ministry. That is a tiny amount and doubtless typical of most european countries. The WTBTS has definitely gone ex-growth now in the 1st world.

    There were around 340 (ish) baptised at Twickenham and I recall the number for all the conventions around the UK being somewhere around 700. I know many waited for Twickenham so I expect the numbers at SA/CA events to be less. I still expect growth for the UK at around 1-2%.

  • jhi29

    This may have been mentioned already/elsewhere on this topic, but beecause their anti-wordly stance, I'm assuming they heavily indoctrinate against "too much" internet use, etc.

    Which would mean the average faithful JW does not know just how easily available anti-JW education is now. Ways to send them packing from your door, ways to avoid their subtle influence at work, school, etc. Where they once prided themselves on literature printing and saturation, they cannot compete with the WWW. My thought is they don't yet fully grasp how completely irrelevant they've become in the 21st century. If they did, they'd discontinue pioneering in the Western world full stop.

  • Phizzy

    Dear jh29, a belated WELCOME ! but you see, a BIG one.

    I do agree with what you say that they simply have not grasped their total irrelevance, or, if some of the Leadership have, then they are desperate to keep this from the R&F JW's.

    I think the latter, at least for the real Leadership, non-GB, the real String Pullers do realise the parlous state they are in, but must fight all the way to the Bank to keep things afloat. This means keeping up a really paper thin Facade. But died-in-the-wool Dubs cannot see it.

    I think without doubt they are in decline, and not just in the Western world where the Internet is King, something is going wrong for them Worldwide.

    They may well have reached their Tipping Point.

  • Crazyguy

    The fact that they say things like they get 1200 requests for bible studies a day is proof to me that the fudge the numbers big times.I wouldn't be suprised if the number of jw's 7.5million iisn't just baptized jw but also publishers. Also we know that the reason the numbers or so high for the memorial is because they count the children and the babies.

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    The 7.5 million number is peak publishers which includes baptized JWs. As far as I know, they don't put out how many are baptized vs. just publishers. I would assume its pretty close to 50/50 though. 3.75 and 3.75.

  • insidetheKH

    @coded the 7.5 million is the average number of publishers. The peak number is 7.96million

    also its not 50/50 baptized/unbaptized (otherwise in every kingdom hall of 100 publishers 50 of them would be unbaptized ones wich is not the case)

    Its more like 80/20

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    Thanks for the correction on the number of peak publishers. Didn't realize I was looking at 2008 numbers.

    You think that there are more baptized witnesses in a congregation than publishers? I remember a lot of teens and young adults being publishers.

  • skin

    I would also say that it is more like 80/20, maybe even closer to 85/15.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    They have reached their peak and are about to experience a sharp decline in baptisms over the next few years. I'd say the life expectancy of the JW cult is about another 25 to 30 years...

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