6 branches subsidize the rest of the branches.

by hoser 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • FadeToBlack
    Why is JHVH's spirit-directed organization so obsessed about money. Surely the great Jah could add a few more decimal points to the bottom line. Everybody else does it, why can't he? Perhaps he needs better management?
  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    I think a lot of credit must go to the internet for the lack of contributions, even though it is very hard to put any numerical figure to it due to lack of information so it is intuitive.

    The more the lack the more the GB will brow beat the R&F to give, in turn the more lack of contributions as people see it for what it is a purely money grabbing corporation that calls itself "God's Organization".

  • wannabefree
    They own billions in real estate and have pocketed a billion in sales of real estate ... surely the interest off of investments should make up for any shortfall.
  • DesirousOfChange

    It is interesting that both last year and this year the book released at the convention was printed in Germany instead of at Wallkill. The magazines, km and tracts for the US are printed in Canada. How much literature is Wallkill still printing? Does anyone have any info on this and if printing at Wallkill is being downsized?

    It may be for the same reasons that the major US auto manufacturers are building plants in Canada -- healthcare costs. The volunteer labor in the US may be cheap, but there are still the costs of healthcare to consider, esp as members of the Bethel family age. I'm sure that Canadian citizens, even though volunteers at Bethel who likely pay no taxes, are still entitled to Gov't provided healthcare. Cost saving for the WTS.

    While it's true 100s of older members of the Bethel family have been sent back into "the Field", they are still recruiting young men (and their wives) to join the US Bethel family.


  • fastJehu

    It is interesting that both last year and this year the book released at the convention was printed in Germany instead of at Wallkill. I wonder what the story is on that and if it is a permanent arrangement...

    Germany printed in 2013 for US - because the US was printing the revised bible.

    Germany printed in 2014 for US - because the US had problems with the cover of the km-book.

  • Oubliette

    Does that mean that God isn't blessing the work in those lands?

  • factfinder


    That makes sense about their being busy with the new bible as they had to run triple shifts to get them done in time for the agm.

    The God's Kingdom Rules! book is being printed in Wallkill now so they must have worked out the problems of getting the cover the right shade of purple although I am surprised the Wallkill printery would have trouble with that.

    If there is a new book released at the convention this summer it should be printed at Wallkill then (The US edition).

    Thanks fast Jehu.

  • fastJehu


    "so they must have worked out the problems of getting the cover the right shade of purple..."

    you are well informed

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