Wouldn't Being "Mentally Diseased" Give You a Pass at Armageddon?

by TTATTelder 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TTATTelder

    Wouldn't Being "Mentally Diseased" Give You a Pass at Armageddon?

    The WT claims that apostates are "mentally diseased". Most of us are aware of this claim on this forum. (sorry don't have the WT quote)

    Wouldn't a person with mental illness get a pass at Armageddon - since they are not capable of proper mental function?

    Wouldn't that mean then that all apostates, given their "mentally diseased" status, get that same pass????


    Other questions:

    Should't you pity a person with a mental illness instead of treat them with disdain and judgement?

    What psychotherapy and/or medications are used in the treatment of apostasy?

    Do Jehovah's Witnesses disfellowship and shun all mentally ill people? or just apostates?

    Inquiring minds want to know...


  • Listener

    Watchtower 71 1/15

    Can it be stated flatly that only baptized witnesses of Jehovah will survive Armageddon?—A. S., U.S.A.

    It would be misleading to answer this question with either a simple “Yes” or a “No.” The Scriptural answer of necessity must be a “qualified” one, and it is easy to see why.

    At 1 Corinthians 7:14 the Bible shows that God can consider as “holy” the minor children of a Christian parent. Though they are young and not yet to the point of being personally responsible to Jehovah, their parent is trying to develop in them a love of God and of the way of righteousness. It seems clear that at the time of the destructive war of Armageddon God will preserve them on the basis of the family merit of the Christian parent, even though the children are not yet dedicated and baptized.

    The reply must also be “qualified” because the Bible does not pointedly say how God is going to handle certain unusual cases, such as those involving mentally retarded persons who never had the capacity to learn about Jehovah and his purposes. Regarding these unbaptized persons, it is possible that family merit may apply as in the case of minor, irresponsible children who have a faithful believing parent or guardian.

  • punkofnice

    Have you noticed that since 'mentally diseased(tm)' got bad press they altered the wording in the new bible?

    I think the GB and writing dudes know there's no god and the Jehovah(tm) thing is a load of garbage but there's money and power in it for them....hence they dropped the 'menatally diseased(tm)' thing to avoid lawsuits and bad press. They are so transparent. They're beyond a joke.

  • sparky1

    "he is puffed up [with pride], not understanding anything, but being mentally diseased over questionings and debates about words."- 1 Timothy 6:4 New World Translation 1984 revised

    "he is puffed up with pride and does not understand anything. He is obsessed with arguments and debates about words."-1 Timothy 6:4 New World Translation 2013 revised

    Sorry! No more free pass at Armageddon for being 'mentally diseased'. With the stroke of a metaphorical pen any who disagree with the teachings of the Watchtower Society will no longer be able to claim a 'medical exemption' when faced with a judgmental execution at Armageddon. Sorry about that folks!

  • TTATTelder

    Thanks for the posts you guys...

    Definitely another bogus teaching from weirdo WT land. I know it's been discussed many times, I just had to post my insomniac thoughts last night.

    It is strange how they changed the translation so quickly thereafter, it is really telling since they broadcasted that "mentally diseased" crap from the rooftops. It was at the district convention, in print, you name it.


  • daringhart13


    ....kinda like being announced as "no longer a Jehovah's Witness"....should get you treated like your neighbor they are talking to in field service.

    But never mind, ......... that makes sense.

  • BucketShopBill

    If I was a god I would give you all a passing grade because you are still functioning after having the most foul trick pulled on you! If I get promoted to god, the porch light will be left on for all of you!

  • smiddy

    How long do you think it will take for the legal dept. to install themselves as the Governing Body of the WTB&TS/JW.ORG as it is becoming more apparent that these elderly people now in control have lost the plot and are doing more harm to the religion than doing good , with their outlandish comments , made at district , International and local conventions , that can be , and are , recorded for all to see via u-tube .

    This situation cannot go on unchecked .


  • sparky1


    If those pesky apostates hadn't made such a fuss you probably could still get your 'medical deferment' card and get on the Armageddon bus (I mean the modern day ark, oops!). They ruined everything and made Jehovah tell his people to transmute a bona fide disease into a plain ordinary character disorder. Damn those apostates! They make the Governing Body (Blubbering Body) actually think about their outrageous beliefs once Satans minions in the Press and Judicial System bring them to their attention.

  • Quarterback

    I never thought about the mentally challenged before with reference to surviving Armageddon. Good point. The Soc has always made mistakes in adding words to the scriptures, about survivors. The Bible only notes, a Great Crowd, of many Nations, and Tribes. Such are judged on the basis of the heart condition by Jesus who is capable to read hearts. So no society, no men men can judge who will survive based on their limitations. Of course this is how I see it, but I could be wrong. I'm willing to take my chances.

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