Go Bag

by notsurewheretogo 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BluesBrother

    All seems to have come fron one Awake article in 2007 , Sept p7

    "Box/Picture on page 7]

    The New York City Office of Emergency Management recommends that households plan for evacuation by assembling a “go bag”—a durable, accessible, easy-to-transport bag containing important emergency items. The following may be included:
    ▪ Copies of important documents in a waterproof container
    ▪ An extra set of car and house keys
    ▪ Credit or debit cards and cash
    ▪ Bottled water and nonperishable food
    ▪ Flashlight(s), AM/FM radio, cell phone (if you have one), extra batteries
    ▪ Medication for at least one week, a list of dosages, prescription slips, and doctors’ names and phone numbers. (Be sure to replace medications before their expiration date)
    ▪ First-aid kit
    ▪ Sturdy, comfortable shoes and rainwear
    ▪ Contact and meeting place information for your household, as well as a regional map
    ▪ Child-care supplies"

    The dubs have taken to this with great enthusiasm, however. A lot of them confuse it with an "Armageddon Survival Bag" Isn't that exciting ?

    They can even buy a psuedo official one from this firm selling to dubs


  • quellycatface

    Britain survived the Blitz, so what's the panic??

  • Quarterback

    MyGo Bag consists of a good size Crown Royal Canadian Whiskey.

  • AlphaMan

    Being a JW doomsday prepper in previous decades would have gotten you counseled for lack of faith in Jehovah to protect & provide.

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    Interestingly enough, Bethelites were encouraged to have go-bags even BEFORE Katrina. That definitely sparked speculation that 'the end was close' if bethel was preparing for when shit hit the fan.

  • zeb

    Medications, minor first aid kit, flashlight (head light)change of clothes, fire lighting kit. mirror, knife, hat, rain coat (large plastic bin liner) I have had one for years as part of going away. As another has suggested if i had said to any meeting not that long back for everyone to set up a 'forget-nought' bag I would have been dealt with along the ..."Jehovah will look after you" lines. may be the buildings falling down in NY rattled the wts.

  • cultBgone

    Living in Florida, we've always prepared go-bags for hurricane season. So we keep important papers sealed in ziplock freezer bags and stock up on some foods and a asceptic beverages especially in summer. The most important thing after your papers, credit cards and cash? Baby wipes and a pack of new undies from Walmart. Just sayin...

  • NoMoreHustle

    I remember them going over this as well. I distinctly remember them saying "Isn't this loving of the GB to prepare us".

    I said to my wife that night "Didn't they just have the same info on the 5 o'clock news?" Friggin' IDIOTS!

  • notsurewheretogo

    I'm not against the idea, having a few things in a bag so you can survive "rough" for a few days is a good idea but in this day and age I can't see us as a family not being able to go to a hotel or family outwith our area in time before we need to eat.

    I can see the sense in the idea but it's just my JW wife insists we must do it pronto and I'm wondering what the rush is.

    She advised what her sister has and her sister, also a dub, has a flaming camper van full of stuff with gas cookers the lot..it's a bit extreme for my liking as her sister could live for months in it...

    As a former elder I remember the letter about the diaster plan but no-one in our congregation did it because we are in an area and a country where there are simply no chance of anything happening...her sister lives in Florida so I can understand why they have gone to great lengths...

    I'm happy to stock up on a few things...

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