If you like Baseball, Little League baseball, I think it's wonderful

by jam 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jam

    Pennsylvana vs. Texas. First female in world series.

    The little lady throws a mean fast ball, and playing

    with the boys.I think it's great, her team mates have

    no problem playing with a girl...ESPN 4pm

    Not having the mind set of a JW is wonderful...

  • SafeAtHome

    Yes, I LOVE baseball! Unfortunately, living in northeast Ohio, my team is the Cleveland Indians, whose perpetual slogan is "there is always next year" . The Indians disprove the idea that there is no crying in baseball. I have watched this impressive young lady, she is awesome! Power to the women! I have read that even the major league players are watching her on TV when she pitches and are amazed at her talent.

  • jam

    Safe: Cleveland is in 18th place, not so bad., Yes power

    to the women.. Maybe this may devlope into a pro team for

    the women. Why not, we have football and basketball for women..

  • JeffT

    A 13 year-old that can throw 70MPH is going to be one to watch.

  • SafeAtHome

    Well, they do have women's pro softball teams. One of them is based right here in my hometown, the Akron Racers. They are pretty good, also draw a great crowd. They play in the picturesque old Firestone stadium in south Akron. Dont know if they make a living of it though, probably not, but I bet the Indians could use some of the pitching! The Indians seem to take a step forward and two steps back. We had season tickets for 5 years, till 2012, then it just wasnt fun anymore. Oh well, we do have Lebron back and Johnny Football Manziel, so who knows, maybe in my lifetime Cleveland may have some kind of championship.

  • Apognophos

    I'm quite impressed by her ability, but I don't think children that age are supposed to be allowed to throw that hard.

  • jam

    Apognophos: I agree...

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