Is the Watchtower Intentionally Trying to Force People to Leave the Organization?

by kneehighmiah 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ocean1111

    Yes it is intentional. 15% growth to probably a true negative growth contraction covered up with fake 1-3% growth stats from Bethel in 37 years?

    That takes planning and steady application so subtle as to be almost imperceptible. Almost.

    Of course there are many more huge red flags that also support more on this "espionage" aided Bethel corporate pathology theory. There is no "effect" of this magnitude without a "cause" and the first reactionaries in boards like this will generally only consider the first reaction, which is part of the overall design, the first reaction does not explain the true cause. Thus Bethel subverts not just JWs, but JW critics as well. And that too takes strategic planning, it is not all accidental and as it appears to be.

    We are only examining the tip of Bethel iceberg here. Plus there is a big motive: wealth. There is much more going on here, it is a multi-billion dollar "nest egg" for ample motive to attract experts into this con, and the more one considers reaction 2,3,4,5,6 and so on, the more layers one finds in the Bethel onion.

    Expect some very very weird events involving the Bethel global corporate network in the near future to coincide with other very weird global events in time, maybe concurrently, in my opinion. It will not be "the end" as bad as it looks, it will drag on quite some time, it is Bethel that will be the target, "the end" expectation is the smokescreen (2Thess2:1-2) installed into the JW mind to cover up the final coup events for a few years.

    There will be a peak period of the effectiveness of the hoax and the coup it is obscuring, eventually reality will set in on on the JW comatose mind. Just make a mental note, it is not "the end" of the world that they are selling JWs, it will be the attempted end of Bethel as JWs know it. How well it all proceeds is yet to be seen. Right now it is not looking very good for JWs.

  • donuthole

    I believe the short-game is a smaller, but more loyal, religion. I don't know what the end-game is but I've got a real bad feeling.

    I shared some thoughts about this a few weeks back.

  • Vidiot

    Daniel1555 - "There is one part where they state obeying the organization is what is most important... Then they have about 3 pages concerning the blood issue... Then they mention again that JW need to shun DF ones even among family."

    Talk about doubling down.

    Hell, I'm half-surprised they didn't somehow work a "two-witness" rule reminder in there while they were at it, too.

  • Vidiot

    sparrowdown - "They probably figure Jesus himself did this (make contentious statements) to sort people out."

    Assuming they actually give any consideration to anything Jesus said or did.

  • metatron

    To be fair, we could be observing an internal movement in which various factions vie for the enforcement of their views. There have been such internal struggles before.

    Long term, compromise is inevitable because Witlesses are becoming ever more phoney and lazy and passive-aggressive ( and broke).

    We can hope they end up as a nice burned out Protestant sect such as Methodists (bring a dish to pass) or maybe Adventists.


  • Vidiot

    metatron - "To be fair, we could be observing an internal movement in which various factions vie for the enforcement of their views."

    I don't know if you remember, but Warehouse suggested that very thing in one of your recent threads:

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