Communication with minds of people (alive or dead) is possible!

by exWTslave 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • exWTslave

    There are people who mock at the reports of NDEs and communication from the dead and so on. Things are changing now! A new finding has discovered that the whole universe is intimately interconnected. And this connectivity is not just at a macro level of stars and galaxies that we know are closely paired by gravitational forces - or even brains, consciousness and beings - but at the most fundamental substratum of subatomic particles.

    An experiment conducted at Chapman University in California shows a new kind of quantum link that could be happening everywhere in the cosmos all the time between all particles -whether connected or not. If we bring it down to the level of our minds, then the same thing should be applicable. We're all connected too.

  • OneEyedJoe

    I think you're reaching a bit. While it's interesting stuff, actually making application of it in the way you're talking about is almost definitely several generations (and we know that each generation is well over 100 years long ) away. Even if it's possible to have 2 way communication into the past, you'd almost certainly be limited to communicating to a time after the 'telephone' you're using was built, which means that communication into our current past would still be impossible.

  • exWTslave


    Everything is energy. Consciousness is made of conscious energy, hence what is applicable to all forms of energy is applicable to conscious energy (called mind) too.

  • MadGiant

    "If we bring it down to the level of our minds, then the same thing should be applicable. We're all connected too."-

    I don't know how you read so deep into the article. With all due respect, we are NOT linked up. We might share a few genes, relatives, friends, likes/dislikes, society, but that's more or less it. We are individual entities, your mind and what is in it, belongs to you and only you.

    Quantum physics is absurdly accurate in describing the motion of particles and subatomic particles. Classical physics and Quantum Physics don't agree mathematically.
    Particles are proven to behave as waves, meaning they are in several positions of space AT THE SAME TIME. This is called Superposition. It is also called badass.

    To grossly simplify it, on a scale smaller than atoms, the quantum level, everything suddenly turns into a goddamn circus. Quantum physics has nothing to do with everyday physics. We're talking particles popping in and out of existence, being in two places at the same time, and generally acting like a-holes. And even though quantum physics appears to be the closest science has ever come to prove magic exists, there is no such thing as magic.


  • OneEyedJoe

    MG: your post had me rolling. Great way to start my morning. Thank you.

    exWTslave, you're definitely reaching for things that aren't there. Don't feel bad though, it's an easy trap to fall into. "conscious energy" isn't really a thing anywhere outside of pseudo-science and scammers selling worthless crystals for a pretty penny. Conscioiusness is really just an emergent property of a complex system of macroscopic, microscopic, and quantum interactions.

  • Justnowout

    This is old news. Its called "The Force"

  • sparky1
  • exWTslave


    You say: “Conscioiusness is really just an emergent property of a complex system of macroscopic, microscopic, and quantum interactions.”

    By the same token, you can say:

    Traffic jams are caused by complex systems involving internal combustion engines composed of pistons, turbine blades or a nozzle ….. transforming chemical energy into mechanical energy.

    Or you could even say:

    Cycle-balance is an "emergent property" of the two wheels joined together with some iron rods.

  • OneEyedJoe

    Your metaphors are a little off. A great, every day (ish) example of the principle of emergence (in the sense that I'm talking about) is a flock of birds or a school of fish. When you watch a huge group of birds in a field (usually happens during migratory season) it often seems as though the entire flock (or school in the case of fish) is performing a very coordinated complex action, but when you actually analyze the bird's movements, you can find that each member is actually following a very simple set of rules, and this results in the complex behavior of the entire group.

    The brain is just doing the same thing, but on a much larger scale. instead of a few thousand members the human brain has 100 Billion neurons, and each of these neurons typically has about 7000 connections to other neurons. These connections can be thought of as the individual members of the group, so there's usually about 7e14 'members' in the group, all following relatively simple rules. The result is the appearance of conscioiusness, which is an emergent property.

    Anyway, all of that is more or less irrelavent to your premise, except to demonstrate that while we humans want to make ourselves feel special, there's really not anything all that special about consciousness. It's certainly not the result of some exotic form of energy. Its also quite unlikely that quantum entaglement will be used to establish meaningful 2-way communication with people in the past or future in our lifetime.

  • Comatose


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