Is there Such a Thing as TIme

by givemejustalittlemoretime 53 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    OP is a subtly edited version of this and gives no credit...

    Scientific American June 2010 - Is Time an Illusion:

    As you read this sentence, you probably think that this moment — right now — is
    what is happening. The present moment feels special. It is real. However much you
    may remember the past or anticipate the future, you live in the present. Of course, the
    moment during which you read that sentence is no longer happening. This one is. In
    other words, it feels as though time flows, in the sense that the present is constantly
    updating itself. We have a deep intuition that the future is open until it becomes
    present and that the past is fixed. As time flows, this structure of fixed past, immediate
    present and open future gets carried forward in time. This structure is built into our
    language, thought and behavior. How we live our lives hangs on it.

    Yet as natural as this way of thinking is, you will not find it reflected in science. The
    equations of physics do not tell us which events are occurring right now — they are
    like a map without the “you are here” symbol. The present moment does not exist in
    them, and therefore neither does the flow of time. [Sci]

  • John_Mann

    Time is not an illusion and its equal to space. Time=space.

    But time exists in a relative way (physically and psychologically). It depends on space and exists only in macrouniverse. There's no time and space to quantum particles, they can go from one corner of the universe to other at same instant (if there's no time, there's no space too), they can go to both past and future too, and be at several places (no matter how far) at the same time.

    In quantum realm there's no time (and space).

    Matter is much more interesting than any concept of spirit or soul. And we are made from this fantastic stuff.

  • Ruby456

    thank you witness my fury

    it makes sense to think of it as that the equations of science are like a map without a "you are here" symbol. The problem arises when we want to apply the map to lived social life now and to the past and to the future. The non hard sciences which are certainly not based on illusions have done this and come unstuck because they have used the hard sciences too much as an authority in that they have taken the hard sciences as describing objective reality and then applied that to social life. It would be more interesting to argue that subjects like religion, art and politics consitute and are consituted by spacetime.

    edit: thats very interesting john mann.

  • Stormcrow

    Quantum physics does not rule out the existence of time travel, so theoretically time need not be linear. If I knew how to put a web-site name up for you to click on, I would do it, but I don't so use a search engine and look up Lorentzian Wormholes, also Einstein-Rosen bridge. Live long and prosper.

  • John_Mann

    I think time travel is impossible.


    In quantum realm we can entangle particles from present to any particle in past and future.

    So if we could manipulate this physical property we could scan any event in past with a molecular resolution and we could be able to rebuild that configuration in our present moment (in a fantastic simulation).

    So it's possible to build the past in present in an atomic resolution. You would not tell the difference. In any way, it's a true time travel. But instead os you travelling it's the place that actually travels. It's just like bringing on the Eiffel Tower to your backyard.


    This far we still haven't found how to extract information from quantum particles. That's the challenge of quantum computing, and some progress are being made with the elusive Qubits.

    From this moment the quantum particles are very experienced travellers but they are mute and do not share any vacation pics with us. LOL

  • prologos

    because we are moving through time on this 'one way street' that is the universe, we think that we are ahead of everybody else. why? by the time we see them, they appear as they were in the past, Moon 1.5 sec. Sun 8 min. next star years, across galaxy ~100 000 years.

    living in the 'now', we can see only the past, light from the past. but

    light, or messages we emit, radiate , reflect, -- we send into the future, to be seen by others as coming from their past. it is true, but how is it possible? because

    we live in an expanding universe. the PAST time is like the empty interior of an expanding shell. we live only in that very thin expanding membrane that is the space of the universe in the ever moving 'NOW'.

    Time is not so much of a THING but a dimension we move through, just

    at the right


  • John_Mann

    (Time is not so much of a THING)

    Actually there's some possibility to a hypothetical particle of time/spacetime. Just like the graviton (the hypothetical particle of gravity).

    Time it's not an illusion, delusion or "dogma".

    Time is to physics as evolution is to biology.

    If we take time or evolution as illusion, physics and biology would not make sense and would be useless.

  • Viviane

    The present moment is real.

    Everything you see is already the past.

    Time is not a thing, material, but it is real, an entity, appearing twice in the famous equation E=m squared.

    Time and space are the same thing. E=MC^2 doesn't have a function for time in it. That's simply explaining how much energy is in matter.

    light, or messages we emit, radiate , reflect, -- we send into the future, to be seen by others as coming from their past. it is true, but how is it possible? because

    we live in an expanding universe. the PAST time is like the empty interior of an expanding shell. we live only in that very thin expanding membrane that is the space of the universe in the ever moving 'NOW'.

    No..... it's because photons (and, for that matter, any other massless particle) travels at a finite maximum speed.

  • blondie

    I found this episode of Through the Wormhole interesting shown 7-23-2014

  • prologos

    since time is a dimension that defines duration, it could be older than space and it's content,- matter.

    just as some rivers,- like the Colorado-, are older than the hills they cut through.

    If you do not have time, you have nothing, NO THING.

    take 'time' out of ANY equation, like the compound interest calculation of your mortgage, and see what happens.

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