JW reaction when molestation issue doorstep

by nowaytess 11 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • nowaytess

    From: "nowaytess" < [email protected]>
    Date: Wed May 22, 2002 12:26 pm
    Subject: Just had JW at my door


    What a Morning!

    We just had JWS at my door. Now this is very rare because I have my
    club's webiste on a magnetic sign on the back of my car.

    The guy was hard headed, but the woman began to get nervous because
    of the scriptures I was pointing out to them Of couse he had to
    insist it was angels. He got upset at Rev 14 when I asked him if any
    of the annointed were women? I informed according to that scripture
    those annoited were gay. I told him of course we know how God feels
    about Homosexuality.

    Then I ask him aobut the child molesttion going on in the
    organization. I did tell him about the Dateline special on May 28 and
    told him and his wife they should watch it. Then JW exploded at my
    door step. I mean realy exploded and lost it. He must have been an

    Then in the next breath brought out about the Catholic church. then I
    finally told him I was a JW, and my husband told him to look behind
    my car. I told him aobut the few cases I was involved in.

    What was next was very weird. The guy started to pronuced on my
    doorstep I left the organization and will be punished by Jehovah. I
    don't mean quietly either. All my time in this work I never had one
    pronuce me dammed on my doorstep.

    It took me aback for a second and told him as he was leaving that
    only Jesus can save him. They were so freak out the walked right
    across my lawn and my neighbor's lawn.

    I wonder what spoofed him? I think his conscience must have gotten
    the better of him because one I spoke aobut the molestation issues he
    wents nuts and his wife took off like a rocket. I guess the Soceity
    is trying to prepare these guys and just did not expect it before
    Dateline airs I guess.

  • ChiChiMama

    {quote]I guess the Soceity
    is trying to prepare these guys and just did not expect it before
    Dateline airs I guess.[/quote]

    LOL,It doesnt sound like they were very prepared to me. That surly wasn't a rehearsed reaction to flip out.

    Service is going to be very uncomfortable for awhile.


  • Dawn

    You betcha it was his conscience!!

    I was molested by a family member when I was 4 years old. Of course, I never told anyone until I was an adult. First it was fear (he said I'd never see my parents again if I told), then it was shame and I was convinced noone would believe me.

    All the time I was growing up if the subject of pedophiles/molestation was to come up this molestor would go off about how discusting those people are and that they should be killed, etc. etc - very emotional about it. What a hypocrite!!

    I find it funny that he would react more emotionally than I did. Conscience is a strong thing!!

  • lydia


    I would say that when you spoke the real truth to them
    - and used the name of Jesus to them
    - they ( or the demons that control their minds..)
    became the freaked out ones.
    You showed them the stark reality that they have been so sheltered from..
    If your suspicions are correct - and he was a elder - I imagine there will be a very quickly gathered meeting tonight with the other elders as to how to deal with this..

    I can only imagine the discussion in the car group after your visit...
    I imagine it would be quite a brain-washing session - on how we are all turning against them and the BORG....

    Can you imagine how it will be when the Dateline story airs?????


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    In the animal kingdom, when cornered or threatened, instincts kick in.
    Some puff way up, some make a big scary noise, some spew venom.

    Multiple personalities do the same thing. In the old days this was called possession.

    Dracula is a real playboy until someone pulls out a cross, or garlic, or holy water.

    Some modern-day buzz words that are threatening: pedophiles, false prophet, watchtower, mediator, Our Father..., creator's promise, conscience, as well as in crisis of, shunning, blood, ....

  • AjaxMan

    Hey, Tess:

    I guess a couple of JobTurkeys tried to babble and sell you too much jibby-jabba gibberish until you really ruffled their feathers.

    I bet the BOY (and I say BOY 'cause he acted and behaved like one) really got freaked out while the GIRL just got spooked.

    HA!HA! LOL! You sure did expose them to the REAL TRUTH.




  • TweetieBird

    >>All the time I was growing up if the subject of pedophiles/molestation was to come up this molestor would go off about how discusting those people are and that they should be killed, etc. etc - very emotional about it. What a hypocrite!! "

    That reminds me of an elder that I know who gave a talk once (on ministry school) and had a list of things that he could have brought out and only touched on the things that he himself was guilty of. I couldn't believe he had the audacity to discuss what he was most guilty of.

    Another elder in the same hall gave a talk on how disgusting and sinful oral sex was, yet his wife use to brag that if she wanted a new dress all she would have to do is give her husband a BJ and it was as good as bought. Hyprocrites!

    "It is not that I am afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens."

    -Woody Allen-

  • MikeMusto

    This is what I expect at futre Ministry Schools

    Householder: But isnt there a mess with moelsters in the Org.

    Me: Yes, there have been issues, but we are not perfect, would you
    like to see a day when there will be no more molesters on earth?

    Householder: Yes of course, how can I obtain a subscription to
    the Watchtower?

    Perfect; like all presentations go in the field.

  • Athanasius

    Hi Nowaytess,

    Two JWs called on us a week ago last Sunday. It was an older guy and a younger guy. My girlfriend answered the door and when she found out who they were she called for me since I had once been associated with the JWs. They didn't know me so I had some fun talking with them. The young guy tried to give me a Watch Tower magazine, which I declined. I wanted to bring up the pedaphile issue, but thought it best to wait until they gave me an opportunity. So we talked about Scriptural intrepretation for awhile. Which didn't get anywhere, so then the older guy says that while other religions claim to believe in the Scriptures, the JWs were the only religion that really practiced Bible principles.

    That gave me the opening to ask about all the child molestation going on in their church, since this is contrary to the Bible. The older guy said that there was only one case of child molestation among the Witnesses and that was in New York. I purposely didn't mention DATELINE, as he probably already knew about that and bringing up the program might arouse suspicion. But I told him what I had heard on CBS Radio News, and CNN; and that it was a lot more than one case of child molestation among the JWs.

    Since it was obvious that our discussion was not getting anywhere and also my breakfast was getting cold, I ended the conversation. I doubt that they will ever come back.



  • nowaytess

    I brought up the dateline because the guys was a turkey to begin with.

    He accually had the nerve to show me Mat 5;3 about not being meek because I woul dnot let him control the converstaion. He is a Greek man past retirment age. I guess he was cranky.

    I guess it is the bill collector in me. When I hear or see a phony it is reflex. The guy did not see it coming boy.

    When I first mentioned molestation issue of Jehovah's Witness you can see I hit a real nerve. I wish I had a camera. Then he in a loud voice brough out the Catholic church problems. How many rank in file Catholics are defending or trying to cover up for those petophile priets? For them it is stake buring time.

    I saw the wife took off like a rocket when I mentioned Child molestors. After I told him I was an XJW and my experinces most would have jmust folded up and gone away. Not this guy he had to make his pronouncement of damnation on my doorstep. He was loud enough so all my neighbors could hear him. Worse they just cut right across their lawns with out any regurad of the consequences. I guess he did not get what he bargined for. I think he was an elder or know of a situation wher Pedophiles are involved.

    BTW, I just can't see how he could miss a magnectic sign on the back of my car advertising my webpage. I have XJW try to pull me over just to talk to me. Plus with the disply of flowers on my lawn in the shape of a cross, did he not know it would mean trouble?

    The whole car group just keep staring at my house afterwards. I must not only was the talk, but discussion at the next KH meeting and all the local juicy JW gossip ( they are not suppose to gossip, just on people like me, huh?) Then they noticed my website. Maybe they might down load it.

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