Are you a fighter , or just recovering?

by sleepy 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    Just wondering about how many here feel they are fighters against the organisation of Jehovahs Witnesses, and how many consider themselves just recovering from the experience?

    I would say I am a fighter, that is I am against the org not just upset at what has happened to me.

    How about you?

  • AjaxMan

    Though I was never a JW, I've been hurt by one.

    However, I consider myself a fighter. I do speak out and criticize against the WTS doctrines and policies. I question the JWs about what they teach. I help other non-JWs in knowing and learning what JWs doctrines are about as well as what's behind that friendly facade.
    I like to help out recovering xJWs because part of being a fighter is also to help xJWs who are trying to recover from the experience.



    As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

    Galatians 1:9

  • Reborn2002

    I am definitely a FIGHTER

    I can proudly proclaim that in the 8 months since my disassociation I have now guided 4 individuals OUT of the Jehovah's Witness organization. (Note how I said THE.. one simple word in grammatical context takes away their self-righteous proclamation of speaking for God now doesnt it?)

    I feel as they preach to millions worldwide a deceitful message that ensnares the vulnerable and causes unfathomed heartache and pain, I must reveal the truth about the "Troof" to as many as possible.

    If I can prevent even ONE person from being caught up in their act, then I have spared someone from a potential disaster that would either waste years of their precious life, or worse yet indoctrinate their children and divide a family in the even more distant future.

    The scenario reminds me of the film Pay It Forward with Kevin Spacey and Haley-Joel Osment.

    One person CAN make a difference. If each person that made an exit from the JW's in turn committed a good deed and helped another person out.. then numbers would multiply.

    They HAVE multiplied in recent years.

    We are making a difference.. it simply takes time.

    Now I will steal a line from their fabled frenzy-driving propaganda and make a few needed alterations:

    They have much to answer for...

  • Mimilly

    I belive it's a two part deal. First you recover - then you fight.

    I am now a fighter, after years of 'just' recovering.


  • peaceloveharmony

    definately a fighter but i haven't really helped anyone out but i'm working slowly on my bros...and i helped my best friend after she came to me when her doubts overwelmed her. and i tell anyone who'll listen what a sham the wts is.

    harmony *puts up her dukes* ;) (groan...that is so bad hehe)

  • slipnslidemaster


    But it took a years of recovering. Now I'm just mad.

    Slipnslidemaster:"Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the darkside."
    -Emperor Palpatine

    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America

  • LDH

    Groan, yes that was bad, PLH.

    Well, surprise surprise! (Said in Gomer Pyle voice) I'm a FIGHTER.

    (ps PLH-your new DIDN'T!!! Did you?!?!? WITHOUT ME?!?!?!)

  • SYN

    I'm terribly mad at them - hell, the BORG took away a very sizeable fraction of my early years for their use. I'll take them down, even if it's the last thing I do! The BOrganization must be dismantled and dispersed as soon as possible...I gave so much of my life over into their hands, and all I got back was lies, pain, and loneliness. Yes, I'm a figher. Oh, baby, am I a fighter.

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)

  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel

    Definitely a fighter, but am still in training.

    PLH, he he, love the new sig. I'll get a new piercing next time I see you, you can hold my hand. And LDH, you definitely gotta get one!


  • blacksheep

    Hmm...I guess I feel my personal "battle" is over--it took me several years FIGHTING it to come to a personal balance. I guess now I don't take them seriously enough to actively follow or try to "fight" what they are doing. Their doctine no longer interests me, they've completely lost whatever hold they had on me at one time (I was raised by a devout JW mother/non-believing father).

    I'm glad now to see so many people vocal about what a crock they are: this didn't seem to be the case when I was leaving several years ago (probably thanks to the internet today).

    I definately offer my opinion to anyone who asks; most people IMO simply don't see what an insidious, anti-human org they really are. But I personally don't find them that threatening nor do I care to fulfill their persecution complex enough to actively work against them at this point. I figure they'll burn themselves out, eventually. And they'll end up doing it at their own hands.

    The downside is I have nephews/neices/relatives still in it, with whom I will likely never be able to have a meaningful relationship with, nor will they ever really accept me (or me them, I guess). But there's really nothing I can do about it...unless they come to me at some point for support.

    Probably doesn't sound like much of a fighter mentality, but I've fought my personal battle and won: I'm happy with that.

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