Denmark Assembly Hall and 7 KH for sale

by Viva la Vida 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    I can see the WTS moving out of the realm of renting facilities for the newly named regional conventions. Use for multiple circuit assemblies on the weekend now that they are only one day. 4 circuits each weekend, 2 each day.

    Prior to 1950, most congregations rented space for KH meetings and started building their own spaces after that to save money and have more control over the space.

    I see a similar trend in this. The assembly hall in this area has one congregation already using the space, could there be more doing that in the future?

  • DJS


    Thanks for that; it fits the close/combine/consolidate strategy I see occurring. Using existing assets is a plus, as it shifts O&M costs for a non-production sunk cost to the production costs for a production unit (KH).

    I can close my eyes and 'see' the spreadsheet they have built. The rows are the easy part - they are the however many thousands of congregations/KHs. The columns are the genius of the spreadsheet, including the types of data they will evaluate and the math/weightings they give to each, for which congregations get new KHs, which are combined and which ones just have to make do (run to fail or at best maintain at the minimal level). I could build this thing on my own in a few days.

    Columns would include: Existing options (such as the assembly halll you just mentioned) for combining and consolidating - and potentially enabling closing. That would have the highest weighting. Other columns: b. zip code/zone; c. Historical and projected population change; d. Historical and projected income levels; e. Historical and projected educational levels; f. Historical and projected changes in racial/ethnic makeup of population (weighted higher than simple populaton growth); g. age and current condition of KH; h. Whether KH is shared and by how many congs.; i. Whether KH is paid for; j. Low-cost transportation available (poor congs. without would be rated high but poor congs with low cost and available public transportation would be rated lower); and k. Historical and projected growth (past/future 10 years for publishers- congregations with high recent growth of newbies would be weight higher than established congregations with little or no growth. Those with high projected growth would be weighted high. This is the second most important column, as the math would include weightings from other columns, such as ethnicity, income, education levels of population).

    If you tied this thing in with real time census data the damn thing could run on its own. The Dark Lords could make decisions simply based on the math. Likely, well established and financially ok congs. would wait a long time for a new KH or serious maintenance for existing. Based on what some have stated, the the Dark Lords expect the KHs to send them a monthly check AND put some $ away to fix things, this seems to be exactly where they are going.

    White, middle class congs. with low growth would be the last to receive any assistance. Wealthy congregations, because of their wealth, would likely fare better even though they would mathematically not do so well in the spreadsheet. The Dark Lords would either call these 'exigent' circumstances or more likely create a column which allowed them to weight wealthy congs. higher. It wouldn't be a 'legitimate' dataset or weighting, but the Dark Lords could soothe their consciences about favoring wealthy peolple by blaming it in on the math.

    The decisions would be made for them. Other than tweaking the formulas and the weightings, seriously lurkers, this thing could run on its own.

  • steve2

    The interesting factor in Denmark - seen to a less consistent degree in other Scandanavian countries but still trending that way -is the absence of significant publisher growth for decades. I don't have the numbers on hand, but publishers in Denmark have spluttered round the 13,000 to 14,000 range since the mid-1980s. Thirty years of stagnation?

    On another note, in New Zealand - which coincidentally is also spluttering around a similar range of publishers, there doesn't appear to be a move to building large convention halls, yet there is a religious group, the Exclusive Brethren that has moved in recent years to big, centralised barn-like venues that adherents are "bused" to. Undoubtedly, the organization is eyeing this maneuver. The branch closed in New Zealand last year or the year before - which is not to suggest nothing's happening. Sydney, Australia is the nearest branch office.

  • DJS


    New Zealand is another example of a highly secular society where religion has been on the decline for a long time. The % of atheists in NZ is among the world's highest. NZ also routinely shows up on the list of happiest countries and ranks number 12 or so in average IQ. Paying attention dubs and those who continue to spew that atheists are whore and war mongering child killers???????????????? It is my personal objective/mission to respond with more empirical data each time one of you theists tell me defnitively how bad it's going to be when we are all atheists. I will stop when you stop.

  • joe134cd

    Steve2= I have wondered (and it wouldn't surprise me) if the powers that be are eyeing that assembly hall in auckland and planning on putting it on the market. I also wonder if it would of been more advantageous financially to have remained in Devonport than to have moved to its present location. I was in Devonport a few weeks back, and it's certainly a wealthy area.

  • joe134cd

    Although Papakura is a reasonable location and the area of land the assembly Hall sits on is much bigger. It's still no where near the prestige of Devonport.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Wasn't Devonport an old movie theater with bugger all car parking?

  • finallysomepride

    Black Sheep

    Yeah it was, crap place to park

    not enough space for meals

  • finallysomepride

    I only went to 1 assembly at Papakura shortly after it was finished, hated the hall & that was one of my very last assemblies

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Vamdrup and Børkop are only 35 minutes apart. Maybe that area is getting short on Elders.

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