Help needed. Does anyone have a saved copy of..

by defender of truth 32 Replies latest members private

  • blondie

    Me, Me!

    Doesn't the WTS say that jws won't kill animals/fish in the PE...............but would be at peace with them.

    How can they be fiishing?

  • oppostate
    Hmmm... Why is the kid in the insert sitting on a rock with Mom fishing?
    I thought in the New System everyone would be vegeterian and not eat meat like Adam and Eve were supposed to have been (non-carnivorous).
  • Focus

    ... is the right answer. Bravo blondie (and follower)!

    blondie, as I haven't said it explicitly - I recall you well. You were always among the best and the brightest, surely one of the sharper tools in the box.

    I recall protests back then about how "here" was such an intellectual step-down from H2O (etc., collectively = "there"), and then again recently how different "here" is since 2001 when we Exodus'd ourselves to escape the farcical maladministration "there".

    So, a double-step down, and considerable dumbing-down too.

    Normally, in the cut and thrust debates which seem to dog me (why is it I'm always surrounded by vexed and angry people? << LOL! >>), I'd have many other crusaders leap in and take over when they thought I'd tired.

    Now, it seems that the "Crusader" Class is itself sorely depleted. With few exceptions, the new class of apostates seem very mild-mannered and borderline WTS-apologetic.

    This increases my appetite for blood. But I'm spoiled for choice of behinds to bite.



    ("Jaws" Class)

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    That's just a manna-fish that the WT made manifest!!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Any of their pictures of their Industrial Era Paradise can be used to embarrass JWs in front of Worldies. How many industries and technologies are involved in the manufacture of the components of reels, rods, plastic bucket, milled lumber, wheelbarows, shoes, clothing, dyes, and everything else you can spot.

    Who's doing the work? Is Jehovah running the Electric Company and making Nikes so that we can pick fruit and pat lions?

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    In case anyone's interested, this is another mirror link..

  • Nosferatu

    Is the original Quotes site still needed? I have a copy archived somewhere that I could dig up.

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    Yes, it's still needed.
    Please post it here, preferably, or send it to Focus.
    Thank you :)

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    G'day Nos. Nice to see you. I already posted the zipped copy of the site earlier in this thread.

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    That wasn't the full original site, though, just the file he sent out to everyone before it was shut down..
    So if you could post whatever you can find Nosferatu, it would be great. Thanks.

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