Is the GB against JWs having pets?

by NAVYTOWN 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • HeyThere

    They did the whole pets as idols talk at the International assembly on this past Friday in arlington. Pets were reduced to hobbies that should not distract from Kingdom works, and that too often people focus too much on their pets, and even idolizes them.

    It was clear and ridiculous. Hateful geezers.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    One time a CO gave a talk here about how unsanitary it was to have a pet in the house. And how he and his wife were so grossed out to stay with pet owners and felt like the food being served was automatically contaminated.

    The pet owners who kept dogs in their houses were immensely outraged! At that time we only had outdoor pets so we didn't feel angry, just amused at the ire that CO was bringing upon himself. (If it wasn't pointed directly at us, we just shrugged. Isn't that something?!)

    And it should have been a red flag of inconsistency to me, that the passionate WT lovers would allow themselves to be openly angry at one of God's representatives. But it wasn't.

  • stuckinarut2

    hahaha ADCMS!

    Love that!

    Yes, more F.O.G being used.....(fear, obligaion, guilt)

    We have quite a few who are not going to the International melbourne convention this year as they have no one to look after their pets in sydney...

    So how are these ones going to be viewed by the 'ever ready to judge class' of general witnesses??? Apostate even?

  • stuckinarut2

    AND as I have said before in other threads...the main premise of the 'WT fairy land paradise' is that we can have pets everywhere and pat them etc....and take care of them etc....

    Just not NOW in this 'evil wicked world'


  • SAHS

    No pets, no sports, no dating, no marriage, no blood, no vaccines, . . . . nothing normal, especially if it could bring some joy.

    Apparently the biggest thing the GB is against people having is a brain (the thinking kind, anyway).

  • LostGeneration

    That is the one good thing about assemblies. Basically these talks are landmines planted among the JW population. You never know when they go off into left field so far it causes and explosion and then a mind is freed.

  • Heaven

    Anything that distracts a JW from Field Serve-Us or indoctrination activity is frowned upon. Have we mentioned it's a cult?

  • millie210

    Its a far cry from animals being created for man and Adam being told to name them and care for them.

    It also makes one wonder why all the care to take animals in the ark?

    So is the Bible "unbalanced"?

    Where is this current stand coming from?

  • Focus

    Anything that distracts a JW from Field Serve-Us or indoctrination activity is frowned upon. Have we mentioned it's a cult?



    ("Heaven" Class)

  • BobFlanagan007

    @millie210 - For a long time I've wondered why Jehovah put all those animals on the ark, I mean why not let them drown and make new ones once the flood had subsided? In fact why drown all the animals in the first place? Why not just kill all the sinful people some other way and leave the animals be? Wouldn't that have been easier and saved the deaths of billions of creatures? Fancy that, w bible story that makes no sense...

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