What was your out of control, sobbing moment with this stupid religion?

by ctrwtf 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    The WTS leaves out that all the children in those families went down that whole too,, babies included. Fortunately, the WTS does not label them as not worthy of a resurrection like they do the children they say will die forever at Armageddon, babies included.


    LOL!! Aaron NOT being killed for making an idol is a subject that the GB will always dance around. When an Eldumb asks if you are loyal to the ORG, just ask, " Would you have worshipped the Golden Calf that Aaron made while Moses was away?" They will have a stupified look upon their face.

    I have not had too many sobbing breakdowns. My Father was in the hospital recently and I stayed with my parents to care for him and help my mom. I also had a TTATT talk with my wife. As I slept alone every night, away from my family, I was given a taste of the future. I realized what life would be like if my Wife left me for Jeehoober, what it will be like when my parents pass away. I also imagined my only child shunning me as well, and the pain she will be caused by the ORG. It all hit me like a giant wave of sadness. I survived and now I am stronger.


  • Reopened Mind
    Reopened Mind

    We took care of a brother with MS in our home for almost 15 years, the last year and a half he was bedridden and on a ventilator. We made sure he was always at the meetings; we even took him out in service in a wheelchair van so he could get his time in. Because of the MS his speech weakened and he became increasingly difficult to understand. I became an interpretor of sorts for him. One of his greatest joys in life was being with the brothers and especially the sisters and children at the hall. When he was no longer able to physically attend the meetings he would faithfully listen in on a phone hook-up. But no one from the hall would come to visit him and he missed this most of all. When he passed away (4 years ago yesterday, I'm starting to cry, this is difficult for me) no one from the hall came to give us moral support. You see there was a district convention the following weekend and everyone was too busy preparing for that even though it was an easy drive and most didn't stay over. On the other hand my nonJW cousin who lived in the same town was at our house almost every day, bringing food as we needed it. I am so grateful for her and her husband's support during that time.

    About 3 years later our oldest son sent us a scathing letter to tell us what horrible parents we were and to affirm that the religion had nothing to do with the injustices he experienced growing up. (Yes, my son, it had almost everything to do with it. We followed WT guidelines the best we could.) He said that unless we both got psychiatric help he wanted nothing to do with us! That seemed a bit ironic to us because his dad did see a Witness therapist. When he began taking medication for his ADD his mind began to clear and that is when we started our exit from the cult. Funny thing is we had thought our oldest son was waking up with us.

    Reopened Mind

  • Ucantnome

    "Responsible child rearing in the time of the end" was the title of a talk at the 1986 District Convention.

    I remember the talk. One of the few assemblies I attended. Fortunately we had kids after this. Maybe it was due to living through 1975 and knowing how that turned out.

  • cultBgone

    Wasanelder, sorry your lovely Mom was treated so unkindly even by those she had assisted many times. She surely didn't deserve that dose of UnLove.

    Reopened, taking care of the struggling one was so kind and loving in the true sense of the word. Sorry you and he were not treated the same.

    There are many of us who soldiered on, laboring for others but being treated like pariahs by those in the cult. Sadly, when unconditional Love is not taught or rewarded, most jdubs never learn it until they leave the mind-controlled environment.

  • Vidiot

    blondie - "The WTS leaves out that all the children in those families went down that whole too, babies included."

    That stuff was all through the OT (you probably already knew that).

    Most people these days don't realize that mass murder happened all the time in the past, and that it really wasn't perceived as offensive back then as it is today, for a variety of reasons.

    No matter how horrible the Holocaust was, at least it forced people to really see just how monstrous genocide actually was.

    Authoritarian personalities, however, have never really had a problem with it (except, of course, when it's aimed at them), so it's not surprising that the WTS and other fundamentalist groups often have a hard time wrapping their heads around the idea that most people find the notion of blanket damnation for unbelievers as offensive.

  • Vidiot

    ctrwtf - "I have often laughed at public outpourings of emotion."

    Not surprising, since most of the time it's bullshit.

    Yes, I'm feeling cynical, today; sorry.

  • LongHairGal


    Now I can talk about it and laugh.

    On two occastions I cried - but not in front of anybody. The first was when I couldn't get an elder's undivided attention when I was going through a crisis. He's out now so I forgive him and realize in retrospect he wasn't really qualified to counsel anyone anyway.

    The second was when I was unfairly criticized by an unpopular elder who was extremely rigid and unfeeling. I only wish I had the opportunity to tell him his religion is shit and to get the hell off my doorstep! It is a fantasy, of course.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I don't recall any sobbing incidents. Both my parents had their doubts ( all right, strong hatred of the org)about Bethel but insisted that the religion itself was correct. My experience was different from most people on this forum. I just despised all meetings with all my heart. My parents made it clear to me that if any brother bothered me at the KH, a single phone call to Bethel would vindicate me. I learned from an early age that Bethel connections outweighed the power of the KH crew. Plus, most of the Witnesses were functionally illerate in my KH. I passed them by by fifth grade.

    My parents attended meetings but were never fawning. I had no JW friends so I recall praying to Jesus for a JW friend around my age. Both sets of my cousins had plenty of JW friends, parties, outings. We were isolated in a KH where people had no social graces. Of course, my parents, being born-in, had no social graces. We felt that we were slumming. I begged to attend KHs in the suburbs but the Witnesses would not allow it.

  • tornapart

    I lost a baby, three days old. Two months later I was at the DC. They gave a talk about child rearing and in it suggested not having children (because of being close to the end). I totally lost it. I'm very private and never cry in front of people. But there I was in the middle of a row, unable to escape with tears pouring down my face. I felt so embarrassed, especially when a little boy in front of me turned round and stared. That talk was like a stab in the heart.

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