Circuit Overseers Are Monitored- Confirmed

by metatron 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • NameWithheld

    Preston, ozziepost pointed out that not only DO they monitor the talks, but he at times drew that 'wonderful duty' to do so. I recall hearing about that many years ago myself, when one of my friend's father was giving a talk in the distric conv. The father knew the fellow that was to monitor the talk. And they use manuscripts for most talks, not outlines anymore.

  • Satanus

    This monitoring has been going on for at least 25 yrs. I saw it being done in the 70's.


  • battman


    IMHO i also think this would be most difficult due to "cult"
    mentality that exists. If a dub deviates the very slighest
    from the daily double dubspeak he/she is immedialely to
    be marked, passed over and if this persists that person
    is removed and labeled. Very, very tight control.

    best wishes to ya,


  • TR

    Speaking of what Patricia said, it would quite a sacrifice for some single bro to work his way through to the borg's highest echelon all the while not believing a word of it. Leading a double life would seriously jeopardize the ascent to the top. I don't know if this scenario could work. You would have to give up any kind of "life" outside the borg.

    Maybe we could pool our resources and hire a seasoned FBI or CIA agent to do this. HMMM...probably not.



    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division

  • patricia

    Hi everyone,
    I seem to have strayed from the original topic. Would it be possible to post this as a new topic, but include the posts we've already submitted to get more feedback? Being a newbie I don't know the procedural perameters for the board.

  • willy_think
    Very, very tight control.

    I agree battman. i would argue that everything the WTB&TS does cane be traced back to just that. I also agree they are not only monitored but graded, too much straying and your gone, read well and present the correct image, more privileges.
    The carrot and the Whip, always the carrot and the whip.

    The Great and Powerful Oz:

    pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Musto... A ``backup?'' Anyone with a pulse and who can read can stand up and carry on with a manuscript talk on a moment's notice. They don't need to sit there with a copy of the talk on their laps and follow along assiduously.

    They've monitored for deviations from the party line all through the post-Ray Franz era, based on personal, first-hand experience (Ozzie has also confirmed it)... it's fact, NOT opinion.

  • wheelwithinwheel

    A couple of years ago an elder friend in Florida told me the C.O. had cautioned all elders to listen for apostate teaching, concerning the heavenly hope, in the public talks. The C.O. said "we know they’re there, we just gotta weed them out". So maybe some undercover work is going on or maybe the WT is just paranoid.

  • blondie

    I wonder who monitored Fred Franz. Now there was a man that went off topic and over time. I can remember him going over 45 minutes at one assembly.

  • Pathofthorns

    I have also seen this as well in the local KH for public talks, although I'm not sure if this is some elders who just like to follow along with an outline.

    At DCs they are particularly anal about the timing of parts and most speakers are counselled if they go overtime by even a minute or two, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Of course, no one seems to pull the plug on visiting governing body members or DO's or various Branch representatives who constantly seem to go way overtime in the final talks.


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