Elder: I threw out all WT & Awake and only keep the last ten years...

by adjusted knowledge 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    @ paul: "Please consume information in the magazine before June 27, 2015"


    That far out? 2015? You are certainly optimistic. LOL.

  • dby

    just threw out everthing last week but the silver sword. song book went by-by too.

    WHAT a HUGE relief to be free with eyes open from a life long 3 generation slumber. BREAK THE CYCLE.

  • steve2

    Praise this elder sky high!!! He is on a promising path to recovery having taken the first of two very exciting and liberating steps:

    Step 1: Throw out all Watchtowers and Awakes that are more than 10 years old.

    Step 2: Throw out all Watchtowers and Awakes period.

  • Oubliette

    He only keeps the watchtower and awake from 2000 to present.

    What's so special about the year 2000?

    Why not toss everything before 2010, or 2013 or last week?

    [We all know the answer is that 2000 is the year the WTBTS chose as the historical limit for its online archives.]

  • SnakesInTheTower

    Please rip the covers off the hardcovers and recycle instead of landfills.

    WT should quit printing everything and go all digital. Issue WTFire tablets that the dubs can download everything. Then, when "New Light" expires and becomes "Old Light", WT can just sync their WT approved tablet and "update" to "New Light 17.4" and remove "Old Light 17.3."

    Just a thought.

    Snakes (Rich)

  • stuckinarut2

    Great references ADCMS !

    thanks for listing them!

    When I finally get called into the back room (figuratively only, as i will never agree to any such garbage ever again...twice bitten, thrice shy!) and challenged as to my "lacking / slackening spirituality", I am simply going to start by saying:

    " you know how the loving organisation reminded us to look deeply into our theocratic history, and examine all our older publications? (then show the references as ADCMS listed). Well, I'm sooooo glad that I did! In doing such exhaustive 'biblical research', I found out a lot of things...would you like me to share any of it?"

    Then watch as the world falls apart!

    And remind them of this quote by "our wonderful beloved founder" CTRussell

    "A new view of truth never can contradict a former truth. ‘New Light’ never extinguishes older ‘light’ but adds to it.”

    Zion’s Watch Tower, February 1881, p. 3

    But of course that comment in itself is now old light and probably viewed as apostate anyway!

  • adjusted knowledge
    adjusted knowledge

    "What did he say when you said so that last 90 years were fluff"

    The usual, that the core doctrines have not changed. Just a better understanding. I didn't challenge him further. He and his fellow elder are from the congregation I was baptised in. Though that BOE no longer exist (most died) I don't want to stir the pot. Not sure if they can df someone who has been inactive for more than a decade but not worth the ordeal.

    Like I've said in other posts, this religion has not done me any real harm and I didn't mind overall being in it. I mostly left because of the changing doctrines and the hypocrisy of the members.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Ive thrown out my whole mouldy library..it feels good. I was using watchtower books for paper weights and door jams.

  • Splash

    Continually throwing out older books because they are no longer what we teach is hardly building on a foundation of rock.


  • Vidiot

    Billy the Ex-Bethelite - "They should put expiration dates on all the WT litteratrash, so everyone knows how quickly it will become 'old light'.

    Hah! "Best before Oct 2014"... priceless.

    Billy the Ex-Bethelite - "Better yet, as soon as the magazines and books arrive at the congregation, just toss them in the dumpster. It saves the trouble of opening, counting, distributing, and then destroying."

    Just eliminate the middle-man, huh?

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