I Have A Problem With the Shepherding Kids article on Cedars Blog

by SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker

    Go ahead and rip me to shredds, been in the Elder's Backroom sooo many times I'am use to it.

    "Cedar's Blog" is usually really good, but I see a error being created here:

    "This particular article overtly urges parents to gain access to the minds of their children in order to influence their life decisions…

    “Frequently talking with your children gives you greater access to their thoughts and feelings. That, in turn, will help you to have a greater influence on the decisions they make in life.” – Watchtower Sep. 15, 2014, page 19.

    Granted, the author (not Cedar) qualifies it by saying it's the motive to get them baptized. But the statement above is actually good advice and essential to good parenting. Getting to know our kids thoughts is not manipulative, rather, it enables us to see if they are depressed, homicidal, weak, hard-working, fearful, etc. We can (not talking about the Borg) here, help them be productive people if we know them. Is the author trying to suggest the opposite? That we know nothing about them so as not to manipulate and then be shocked at future behavior? Knowing our kids is fundamental and our JOB as parents.

    On this thought, kudos to Eric Bottorff (RayPublisher) because while he's not in the borg anymore, he has a close relationship with his girls that will serve them well for their entire lifetime. He spent and spends lots of time knowing their personalities and he's a good dad, no, great dad.


  • ILoveTTATT

    Yeah but you're just not seeing the point... NORMAL parenting is one thing, JW parenting is another... Of course you want to talk to your children regularly, and yes, they will have more confidence if you talk regularly... but the JW parenting is with the ulterior motive of CONTROLLING them...

  • dby
  • cofty

    Is the author trying to suggest the opposite? That we know nothing about them so as not to manipulate and then be shocked at future behavior?

    I seriously doubt it.

  • NotNew

    Agree...as long as your motive is pure from a non controled cult perspective...They may be your children...however u can not abuse them by stopping their own critical thinking skills!


  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    Yes a greater influence to lead children into a cul de sac of thinking no use planning for the future no use getting a good education how is a child to think normally if they believe the same as their parents who believe in mass destruction of the human race in one fell swoop .How can it be logical for children to be taught that a group of elderly men who are going to live in a very nice retirement compound away from the city must be obeyed or else.

  • SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker

    One of my older kids is going through a period of being really quite about life. It's the third year of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo ending and her rage against the Watchtower is at a all time high. My child is angry we did not allow after-school Sports and other things.

    I apologized to all my kids, asked them for forgiveness because I was throughly deceived by the Borg. This kid was 16.5 years old when we pulled her out of High School and put her in Cuesta College. The oldest child know's this is not the Truth, I have the most open line of communication and know what she is thinking because she tells Daddy everything. She's 26 years old, known for four or five years we are fading and I can't get her to take the stand with her four other siblings (their way gone!). My 15 year old is playing high school tennis and basket ball plus helps on the Swim Team!

    We celebrated the birthday of our baby, accidentally we had a baby five years ago and it's a boy! How do I get in touch with my twenty-year old girl, she won't tell me anything anymore other than "Why were you so tricked so long? Did you enjoy the fact I hated most of the Kingdom Hall kids and their harrassment?" That's why I am taking issue with Cedar's Blog, I want to know my kids and help them through our transistion from Cult to functional and productive Citizen. I registered to vote, so did she, we did it together and she won't tell me who she voted for!

    Let me add, I was deceived because I was a fourth gen Witness and all my aunts and uncles were JWs, peer pressure greatly! I refuse to allow men like the Borg or Governing Gumbies or Elders any say in their lives! I know they are wicked men and have ruined many good peoples lifes on JWN and off-JWN, they are the reason many of us did not go to college and wasted our time being Sin Sniffing Mall Cops! I agree with the anti-Witness info along with the author's eye to beware of Watchtower Propaganda! I just want him to say that "parents should get to know their kids dreams, hopes and thoughts and allow them to share their concerns so we can have a real family after the Borg!"

  • Heaven

    As a born-in, I learned pretty quickly what I could and could not talk about with my parents.

    Being in this cult does not mean kids are going to be open with you as a parent. They will probably have secrets and thoughts they never share with you. Get them the hell out of it!

  • Watchtower-Free

    In one article, not sure if it's the one mentioned here, a high school girl told her Dad she was in love with a boy in her school. Instead of talking to her calmly about it, the Dad got very angry. Then he finally talked to her and 'corrected' her thinking. Obviously he was more interested in making her see the Watchtower view than in really understanding his daughter. No doubt the Dad told his daughter she could ONLY fall in love with a Witness boy, and only if it was somehow leading to eventual marriage. Digusting!!!

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