Guidelines for Traveling Overseers (tga-S)

by hildebrando 30 Replies latest watchtower scandals

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    Finally this day has come! Today we have new information, in our language, Spanish, which reveals the management that the Organization carried out in the back, without the knowledge of publishers and not even the elders of the Congregation.

    Today make public the guidelines for travellers superintendents (tga-S) manual, whose existence many suspected, but it was available even in English. From the same cover this book says, in bold type:

    It must not show to others, nor should play no part.

    This manual, dated in 2010, contains instructions regarding accommodation, allowances, regional assemblies and circuit, weekly program of Superintendent of circuit, correspondence and reports, disaster, work of extinct district, expenses and reimbursements superintendents, Ministry of the field, committees of links with dependent groups, hospitals, halls of the Kingdom and assemblies, judicial affairs, book Shepard, multilingual territory, new congregations , precursors, recommendations of elders and ministerial servants, speeches of service, grazing, special committees, substitute circuit superintendents, holidays, wives of traveling superintendents, vehicles, files of Congregation, the circuit and the district, accounting for the Congregation, health care, taxes...

    Without a doubt, it is really historic all this kind of information to her supply first in Spanish in our Internet pages. Already not are 'copying' the news appearing in English... now from the USA and England have to learn a bit of Spanish to keep abreast to the English speakers! But not only that, my dear readers. It is not only that: this achievement shows the level of maturity achieved in general Spanish dissent: Formal, correct and responsible, able to prove what it says convincingly. And more important still: able to work as a team.

    In this regard, which has relied on us to disclose this information is a prize for all the effort that make different blogs and Hispanic pages dealing with matters little addressed by the Organization transparently. That is why that one District Superintendent has written to our colleague El William :

    Hello, I am a Superintendent of district and in view that there will soon be changing for us, because it considers that these files you would be very useful. Best regards.

    PD. The only requirement so that you have them is to make them public.

    But here is where I want to highlight the work team: our colleague, acting with the greatest of the shrewd and with the utmost interest in the good of the cause, modestly, shared this revelation as exciting as a dangerous turn with their partners, contacting Miker :

    Look at this wonder you sent me.


    PD. Share it with Hilde tell from my part.

    But, better write me directly, and I says:

    Hello Hilde gives you taste with the info a super district send it... Gives honours to a super district.

    I want to highlight the mode of acting of William for many reasons. While it is tempting to get and publish information like this, our colleague has been brilliantly cautious sending me it. There is no doubt, those who are trying to intimidate with legal problems not blofean. You have to see what happened to Steven Unthank in Australia... It had to set up your private blog to avoid harassment (until financial...), not necessarily in the same organization, but also of its fans 'defenders'...

    Well, we do not know these facts and we are not so deluded as to not realize why neither in Europe nor in the us even superintendents travelers who have become apostates reveal this type of information... But that does not mean that not we act intelligently beyond personal egos: William is a contributor like many others that they prefer to opt for leaking information 'via Chile', (and also some personal temeraridad) whose legislation allows us, given the conditions of my country in the international arena, circumvent European and U.S. legal restrictions in this area. Personally, I think that there should not be any problem in which the Organization was transparent as the Christian institution that professes to be, and there should not be any penalty for allowing guidelines affecting most personal of the brothers, the aspects to be published. Assumes that there is nothing more sacred than the Bible and there is no biblical precedent for the secrecy with which are handled issues that could in turn lead to legal consequences to the organization. Because the reasons for maintaining such secrecy are merely legal and financial convenience corporate but prejudicial for the brothers, that they are determined to keep all this secret... and us at the same time we strive to make everything known.

    We want to thank very much the District Superintendent for his bravery. We know that the organization comes from a while ago, worsening the situation of the reps superintendents, and has even eliminated the position of District Superintendent, living with great instability currently at a stage of life that should be its passing met, especially after decades of faithful service. Hence the remarkable courage of this SD, rather than comply with this treatment, has seen the need to let us know how they are instructed to treat with the congregations and the elderly. Risking losing the few benefits that the Organization has assigned to it, he has lost ' fear man ' and gives us to know the truth.

    We also reiterate the thanks William for his modesty and interests by the success of the cause and all those who, with their participation in blogs and websites in tune with the feelings of the Jehovah's witnesses assets have made it possible for this revelation, we share Urbi et Orbi.... but with the precautions of the first case, the main points and down the entire book:


    Although the first pages notes that superintendents travelers arrangement is consistent with the model of the early Christians, it insists on "ownership" of this manual and its secrecy. However, as we have said sometimes, letters to Titus, Timothy and the "Angels of the seven congregations" were all public. There is no record that the Superintendents received secret instructions like these.


    Instructions 1:3 (note the reference style as if it were... the Bible) are rarely fulfilled. The truth is that superintendents asking for all kinds of furniture to your Department... and elders almost always exceed requests for Superintendents. In general, the instructions in this section (and others) have been revised in the following letter:


    Superintendents must go where assign it: health reasons or others to ask to go to a certain area are hampered with big bureaucracy. The idea is not to give many problems... otherwise it could recommend the cessation of service... (Is referred to the form S-307 to announce the appointment of another Superintendent).


    After the initial instruction to the SC that are in the Auditorium during the program, pointed out how the assignments are to be made. Much emphasis is given in the trials. In this line, striking what it says about the obese (3:2):

    It is not the first time that imposed the image to spirituality. The idea is to project an image of "beautiful people"... that these limitations to the obese:

    Regard to give chance to other elderly so they discursen, rarely occurs. For many years, the same cast is participation. Precursors also repeated in the pre-Assembly meetings. For those who deny the secrecy, is interesting what he says in this respect 3:10:

    Not you must move copy any among the forerunners of the sketches... which would make much easier to follow the meeting. It is clear that there should be official records of such meetings.

    Finally, remember that these instructions have also been revised with the abolition of the special day of Assembly (which eliminates red tape):


    Here is step by step detailed the mechanics of the visit, known by all. But there are things that are rarely met, as to tell the elders let the problems of the congregation at the beginning of the week. Or that that on Tuesday "at one of the afternoon" (one hour in which almost all the elders work), the traveler reviews the files of the Congregation, when another elder present a Member Service Committee, or in their absence. (Here is the pre-eminence of the Service Committee with respect to the body of elders). It is assumed that they should not spend much time on calculations... but is the keynote of the reports that make. Among the surreal things in these instructions, is citing the preaching "at 8:30 or 9:00"... when in the majority of congregations are preaching at 10:00. Just as utopian is preaching in the afternoon... day in which the SC prefer to grazing.

    Have also made changes to this scheme, eliminating the Bible study during the visit:

    Addressing the meeting which is held with the elders and ministerial servants, the secrecy goes out again:

    Then refers to the ritual of the Sunday of the signing by the Service Committee of the paperwork for the visit, with voluntary assistance from the rest of the elders. The truth is that many elderly ceilings, do not even know the documentation that visit after visit is left in the file. The preeminence of the bureaucratic control of the Congregation service Committee is obvious.


    After teaching them how to write a letter, they become the S-300, Sheet of path of the circuit Superintendent. Here they must report everything you do each week. You must have an address to receive correspondence still on vacation... Your level of dependency of the branch is much greater than that which requires a secular job. Even to make a change in the route must ask permission...

    Another form that must be filled SC is review of the visit from the Superintendent of circuit to the Congregation, S-303. Striking that point to avoid using "identical wording" to write it. This should not be surprising that it happens. To read this manual, one sees how all SC activity is regulated down to the smallest detail, so it is logical that there is no creativity to write a report. Especially if said that it must be positive and 2 aspects must be to improve... It is therefore almost impossible to ask them that achieve this level:

    Undoubtedly the SC reports affect "life of those involved" in ways that they may not even see... On the other hand, there is SC that they strive to be objective, but others are partial and make prevail his point of view without regard.

    At the same time, the court cases should not be included in this form, but in "confidential letter supplemental", to which the rest of the elderly does not have access unless the Service Committee (another proof of its pre-eminence and secrecy). Here a form of these real, seized by the courts:

    We do not delve report SD made on the circuit, because this arrangement was discontinued. The report of baptisms is another of so many bureaucracies. Experiences sending falls into the anecdotal...

    However, striking skills personal report, S-326. Once again are being asked to the SC to be creative to describe the capabilities of the brothers... but noticed that do more than complete standard forms hard... On the other hand, it is interesting that branch offices require reports of special annual of missionaries, pioneering skills, graduates of the EEM and superintendents of circuit and their wives... No doubt, these assessments should have great anxiety these brothers, because they do not differ much control tools which companies on the productivity of the staff. However, here the graduates are the only ones not economically dependent on the Organization, which is why its solvency should be informed before changing them assignment.

    Secrecy is also reinforced in this chapter:

    There's a real panic to all these guidelines come to light... Also curious is the way in which must be if it is in material need brothers who were in full time service:

    Firstly, this paragraph contradicts the belief that after a service life the brothers who have worked closely with the organization do not pass need. Yes they are need. The way of proceeding is to "send a confidential letter". It is clear that do not want this information that dispels a myth told over and over again to transcend. Even they forbid to tell the brother will write to the branch in this regard! And no wonder, because most likely, if there is no image reasons or legal branch nothing will make for them... and so expectations of aid are not created you...


    Perhaps of all that is the book, it is the most known by publishers and they are the most positive arrangements that the Organization has. It calls the attention the existence of "Section of work relief" in the Service Department of the branch.


    Now known as Regional Assembly. Instructions regarding the SD are outdated. We noticed the rigid schedules, with all the pauteadas activities and again fill out evaluations of staff: report on the staff of the District Assembly (CO-53).


    Although this whole chapter is obsolete, it is interesting to observe how the SC were controlled by the SD and had to give an account of the results of its circuits. Details the preparations that had to make the host congregation to receive to the SC and SD. In this context relates the meeting private holding between them. On this occasion, the SC are nominated, substitutes and the permanent. However, the bulk of what they try is related assemblies circuit and its bureaucracy. SD directs circuit assemblies almost in the same way that SC did with special days. Here's another example of the secrecy, this time for Superintendent's own circuit, which is not informed of recommendations which makes SD:

    After mentioning how it should work in the vacant weeks, mysterious requirements are given to be SD:

    1. Have a deep understanding of the biblical principles (according to the slave).
    2. Judge balance.
    3. Humble of heart and sincerely interested in helping others.
    4. High estimated by the Ministry and make disciples


    Even if a family member dies, must ask permission to leave and then write all the details vivid emergency branch. Ideally everything else is let for holidays "that lovingly governing body extends a day each 1 September" depending on their age.


    These guidelines have been reviewed:

    General costs, food, transportation, personal and office that is acceptable to repay, because they must be reduced to the minimum possible considering your countertop and personal contributions receiving details. These expenditures should not arise if not requested by the elderly... (this does not happen ever, as no restriction to give money to the SC of the funds of the Congregation). The funny thing is that it is offers to contribute the countertop or part of it to the world... will be superintendents and their wives who do it to look good? Until there are to fill out a form, Application of the expenditure personal account (TO-4) to withdraw their funds...

    On the other hand, when the Superintendent working in an Assembly, this will pay their expenses. The same happens with the schools of precursors or the Ma.


    Here is emphasized to stoke interest in preaching, preaching even Saturday afternoon (rarely the SC preach tomorrow and later). Its goal are 68 hours a month when there are no assemblies. Most of this chapter is well known. A curiosity:

    If they knew the number of individuals who pretend to by not witnesses and use this 'strategy' to 'preach'...


    The requirements are delineated to participate in these committees, first and foremost, the eloquence... Then they make it clear that does not promote any treatment, doctor or hospital...



    In the judicial field this manual recognizes that there are elders 'sometimes have led them wrong or deficient mode'. Provides that the SC is counselor in a judicial Committee, and in case of discrepancies due to lack of written instructions, the elderly and SC writable branch, their different points of view (which does not occur, because the point of view of SC and its closest elders is that raw material). Among the curiosities of this chapter are the case of how a judicial Committee do to someone who is imprisoned:

    Joining the appeals committees, SC will have to determine the race of the accused among other things... And another case of incompetence of the elderly:


    Here there is much material known. Draws attention to the existence of guidelines for the construction of classrooms of the Kingdom. For countries with limited resources , an interesting manual. Regarding the Assembly halls, especially taking into account cases such as Guadalajara, this paragraph is worthy of analysis:

    As always, is to take care of appearances. "Do not give the impression" encourage unnecessary construction... Although that is doing. It is remarkable to see how is blamed for Superintendents (that do nothing on his own initiative) by "confusion and disappointment" because of "expectations"...



    LAR reviews regarding this can be found here:


    This is the paperwork: instructions on the formation of new congregations (S-50), How to apply for an adjustment of territory (S-6) and application/information of Congregation (S-51). Pressures for a particular congregation will attend are undue, but they are very common.


    There can be no doubt of the SC supervisor role for predecessors. Among the things very little known and applied, we note this paragraph:

    What actually happens in practice, is that the decision of the SC and the influential elders which applies. But time and again it is emphasized that the divergent branch points of view sent so that she can decide, in general rarely meets this.


    From the very beginning we noticed how the theory is constantly overshadowed by the reality:

    The differences of opinion regarding an appointment rarely are settled in this way. Generally the SC and the influential elders impose their candidates (or their vetoes) even using political tricks. The unanimity of the appointments or removals is forced and branches rarely worry about because it is not so. Up to could be an appointment with opposition from the SC... but this I've never seen it happen.

    The age 30 to be elderly, although here rule repealing, in practice still governs a few congregations. The rules concerning not naming too fast again when sins are committed, or appoint a brother who has entered marriage adulterino until his first wife dies, are little respected. And Ale says the following:

    19 we must exercise caution when analysing the possible recommendation to be elder or ministerial servant from someone who sexually abused minors.

    The brothers who are granted privileges of service in the Congregation occupied a position of trust, and others consider them to be worthy of it. If someone has participated in this kind of sexual immorality or has been expelled for that sin, would be many years until they recommend to have privileges, if anything recommended you some time. They also have to weigh the legal implications, as well as the degree of notoriety, the scope of the misconduct, how many years have passed and how come brother now the Congregation and the community, as well as the victims. In all these cases, it must be informed fully the branch of the history of the person and all the factors involved.

    Another test more showing so that an abuser can be appointed, depending upon visibility having his crime of paedophilia to the Congregation and the public not TJ... Or if it wasn't of great knowledge, remains limpito to retrieve the "privilege". That disgust. And they criticize the of the ICAR.

    34. What can a man named retain their privilege if he, his wife or their children are studying higher education?

    Much depends on the circumstances and how see you the Congregation. If such a situation, the body of elders discuss the following questions and biblical quotations: does show her conduct in life that seeks first of all the interests of the Kingdom? (Matt. 6:33.) It teaches the members of his family to seek first the interests of the Kingdom? He respects what has published the kind of the faithful slave on the dangers of higher education? (3 9 Juan.) They show their speech and behavior which is a spiritual man? (PS. 1:2, 3; 1 Cor. 2:13-16.) How do see you the Congregation? Why seek him or his family a higher education? Are they theocratic goals? (Fili. 3:8) is higher education an obstacle for all the meetings or participate significantly in the service of the field or other theocratic activities? Heavenly wisdom should guide the elderly to evaluate properly and impartially these factors that could have an impact on the privileges of a brother named service (JAS. 3: 17; 1 Ped. 5:3).

    But then they say that they, the CG, not put all the decisions that make the TJs to study at the University. Jehovah's witness youngster, if you want to study and take up the elderly, you know, you always say you're going to the U... to be able to progress within the WT, but then get out of there. To see if they leave you a little breathing while you manage to get your financial independence.

    On the other hand, that brazen of CG! In a few words to say, "If you are going to study, just to serve us at Bethel." Oh, and encourage others to study anything. "If not, then forget about their privileges, good reputation, and even your family in case you have a point, or expulsion...".

    Secrecy is also evident in this paragraph:


    Although it is said that the SC should adapt speeches the needs of congregations, usually repeated the same speech where they will according to the sketch supplied them.


    It is known information, but interesting capsules there is respect to the venerable appointed servants:

    Sure there have been many bad experiences in these grazing! Why superintendents often seem unmoved to issues that include them? Here you can see why:

    As you can see, is a bad matter bringing claims to the SC, even if they are legitimate. They are trained not to give care to not interfere in situations outside their range of action. And they will always follow regular duct informing the involved appointed servants of the conversation...


    Special committees are implemented to resolve complex issues which elders normally not been satisfactorily resolved. Here again we see that not all elders are worth the same to exist a list of elders who can form this kind of committees in descending order, from the best to the least capable. The qualifications of these elders are reviewed annually. This list handles it the branch, as well as the SC and it means of the Tetrad delivered by SC members of the Special Committee. We wonder: do you know the elderly that their personal data are on that list?


    They must be precursors aged between 30 and 50 years of age with potential to serve permanently, precursors, preferably graduates. Interestingly are encouraged to recommend to all those who exist... is to have a data base to then replace the current SC by these volunteers without any pay? In fact, there are no many obstacles because they are young. With that the wife is precursor, there is much cattle. These recommendations are also updated every year and the candidate should be on the list of special committees generally. Not much training is required: with a couple of weeks is enough. Even said that they could accompany them on visits... very rare phenomenon in Chile. And then... another paragraph of secrecy:

    You have to train the substitute... but unless you see nothing of this manual, or you must not know what their competition within the circuit! This is how it has a wide range of brothers who are willing to do anything to be recommended as a substitute for permanent... and eventually, perhaps SC... It is all a process of burning stages: be precursors along with wife, then move to the Service Committee, then to the list of special committees, then be substitute for circuit, then be permanent substitute... and then be SC, being able to be discharged in each of these instances. Easily someone can reverse a decade of his life in this race... much more long, demanding and less paid than a college degree! Without taking into account the large number of people who must be pleasing in the way...

    Another curiosity is that this manual, as late as 2010, was still holding that the SC was appointed by the governing body... What is certain, is that the SC and SD (presumably if there is discrepancy both sent their views... which seems to me to be utopian) recommended a new SC (without telling him if not appointing him) to the branch... and coming there his appointment.


    They are 12 days more increasing as years of service. In the background is a day off a month, apart from Monday. The maximum is 30 days. However, 3 modalities for compute the holidays are more complicated that that could present a company Trade Union after a collective bargaining: seniority, age and service abroad.

    As expected, to take vacation, SC has to fill out a form, notice of holiday reps superintendents (S-305). Holidays not being carried out, and any difficulties to take the wife must be informed by the branch.


    Practically are the same recommendations to the wives of the elderly. The reality is different: the wife of a SC can weigh more than a body of elders together.

    Males eager to serve God and their wives, are still considered as a great goal be viajantes superintendents?

    Posted by Hildebrando at 0: 00

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    Tags: Judicial Committee, Liaison committees with hospitals, Forms, Guidelines for Traveling Overseers (tga-S), recommendations, guidelines for travellers superintendents, Superintendents of circuit

    Original No es sólo eso: Este logro demuestra el grado de madurez que ha alcanzado en general la disidencia hispana: Formal, correcta y responsable, capaz de probar lo que afirma fehacientemente.

  • zeb

    could someone please do a summary i lost my way.


    the comments about child abuse were telling. All the usual crud about who to tell but no mention at all about any support for the victims.

  • HeyThere


  • smiddy

    Did Jesus give all these instructions to his disciples before sending them out to preach .?


  • SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker

    The Light is getting brighter how the Watchtower run's their MLM company!

  • hildebrando

    Thanks for your feedback!

    Greetings from Chile!

  • James Jackson
    James Jackson

    This is amazing!!! Would like to see a complete English translation, without commentaries.

    BTW, is this from a disgrunted Spanish District Overseer?

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy


  • EdenOne


  • dby

    listen to this lying! wish this would go viral

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