The Beast-Tower #11: God's View of Trolling

by sd-7 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • sd-7

    1. "Did God really say that you must not eat from every tree of the garden?" With those words, Satan the Devil became the first troll. (Gen. 3:1) What is trolling? Why should trolling concern us as Christians? And what is God's view of the matter?

    1. Who was the first troll, and what questions will we now consider?

    2. Trolling is provocative behavior designed to elicit a desired response from individuals who might otherwise be unconcerned about us. In ancient times, this may have been done in person, face-to-face with the "trollee", the object of one's trolling. In Bible times, for example, Rabshakeh, servant of Assyrian king Sennacherib, came to Jerusalem and began taunting, or trolling, Jehovah's people, boasting of how the gods of other nations had failed to protect them from Assyrian armies. (2 Kings 19:11, 12) In response, Jehovah devastated the Assyrian forces, and the king of Assyria was then killed by his own sons. (2 Kings 19:35-37)

    2. (a) What is trolling? (b) How did Assyrian king Sennacherib troll Jehovah's people, and with what result?


    Caption: Jehovah has dealt decisively with trolls in the past

    3. Jesus also had to deal with trolling in his time. The Saduccees, for instance, commonly trolled Jesus with questions in an attempt to provoke or deceive him into saying something they could later use against him. (Read Luke 20:27-33.) Clearly, their question regarding the woman who was married to seven different brothers was intended to create problems for Jesus. However, Jesus wisely and deftly answered their question, and thus provided us with spirit-directed guidance regarding marriage and the resurrection. (Read Luke 20:34-36.)

    3. How did Jesus deal with trolling in his time?

    4. In modern times, trolling has taken on a more subtle approach. With the invention of the Internet, cellular telephones, tablets, and computers provide access to a host of Internet blogs, message boards, and social networking sites where trolling has become a common pastime. Is it a harmless practice, then, given how popular it has become in modern times? The Bible clearly indicates that this is not the case. Why?

    4. How has trolling changed in modern times, and do you think it is harmless?

    5. The apostle Paul mentions a number of "works of the flesh" in his letter to the Galatians. Among them, he includes "strife, jealousy, fits of anger, dissensions." (Gal. 5:19, 20) Could trolling therefore become a contributing factor to unnecessary strife amongst some in the congregation? Some who are misusing social media are engaging in discussions that may create divisions in the congregation, such as bringing up past errors that they have not forgiven, or, in some rare cases, perhaps even raising questions about "the standard of wholesome words" provided by Jehovah's organization. (2 Tim. 1:13; Matt. 24:45-47) This sort of trolling could result in some beginning to doubt that Jehovah is using his organization to teach us the truth. How dangerous that could become!

    5. (a) What "works of the flesh" does Paul mention in Galatians 5:19, 20? (b) How can trolling create divisions amongst Jehovah's people?

    6. On many Internet sites, a website moderator may perhaps choose to block individuals who routinely engage in trolling. In a similar way, congregation elders may 'block' those who cause divisions in the congregation, and, if necessary, take action to remove unrepentant sinners who blaspheme against Jehovah by rejecting his representatives. (2 Tim. 4:14, 15; 1 Tim. 1:20) Jehovah, the Great Moderator, will take final action against such wicked ones at Armageddon. Any who attempt to troll Jehovah God or his anointed ones will be destroyed. At that time, trolling will cease to exist. (Rev. 19:20, 21) How thankful we are that no trolls will be permitted to be part of God's Kingdom! (Rev. 21:8) As this system draws to an end, may we continue to be built up in faith, and maintain Jehovah God's view of trolling.--Read Jude 20, 21.

    6. (a) What can Christian elders do to deal with trolling in the congregation, and what will Jehovah do in the near future to those who troll him? (b) What must we be determined to do as we await this wicked system's end?

  • LisaRose

    Wow, great job, you totally got the self important Watchtower style of writing. You might even say you trolled


  • LostGeneration

    Jesus H. Christ. Absolutley, f'ing brilliant!

    Next step is to read all of those scriptures cited.

    Jehovah, the Great Moderator???? I'll be thinking of that every time I read through a troll thread til the day I die.

    I salute you, sir.

    I only ask for the rest of my spiritual food. Must. Have. Paragraphs. 7-20.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    Spot on, Brother SD-7

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    Were you in the Watchtower writing dept. sd-7?

  • jamiebowers

    You have a brilliant mind!!!!!!!!

  • happy@last

    Yay, so glad you've written us another great article, food at the proper time sd-7

  • XkhanX

    are you in the Watchtower writing department? Your prose is Watchtower style. Excellent!

  • BobFlanagan007

    Brilliant. Someone please make that into a YouTube video.

  • snowbird


    You are too much, sir!

    You've got their smug writing style down to a T.

    I'm so glad you're here.

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