Where does the Governing Body say "old light" comes from?

by matt2414 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • matt2414

    The Governing Body claims they've received "new light" from Jehovah every time they change their doctrine. So where did the "old light" come from that's being replaced? If the old light is incorrect, could it have come from God? If they do claim that new light comes from God but later it proves to be wrong, don't they owe God a public apology? If they don't apologize, aren't they basically claiming that God misdirected them? Romans 3:4 says, "let God be found true, though every man be found a liar."

    Of course, this raised the question, Is the Governing Body really giving spiritual "food at the proper time," if it was a lie?

    What a can of worms!

  • prologos

    if you understand French, and like CORNY* jokes:

    it is called NEW-RRITURE. and

    talking about 'Let God be True--" the book: it contained good light gone bad [a mix of metaphors]: the superior authorities = Jeh--& Jes--. switched from the correct earlier doctrine, SO= king and the dogcatcher. so:

    "--let every man be a liar--", like the man that authored that brown beauty.

    *Corn a major staple food.

  • designs

    Its considered like any investigative method the more you research the more you learn and adjust.

    The basic problem with the Wt. theology is the source of its knowledge and understaning of the cosmos- the Bible. Like all Bible based religions they are starting with a faulty source which leads to faulty premises and then faulty conclusions.

  • galaxie

    Hi matt;...unfortunately , as my brother the elder says,..the JWs are not a perfect organisation, in other words, so what if we got it wrong.

    There is no getting through to that kind of mentality. I hope for his sake and most of my family time will tell but until then we endure the hurtful and totally unnecessary consequences.

    Best wishes .

  • Fernando

    Any who dare to open this "can of worms" will see their favourite elders "suddenly" morph into Pharisees with big stones in hand...

  • cultBgone

    My argument to another jw was: IF it really is the only true religion, THEN it should be miles above all the others. There should not be similarities like child abuse, power-mongering and politics. There would have to be some distinction and of course, there is none.

    Sadly it's just another phony religion based on power and greed.

  • leaving_quietly

    Any who dare to open this "can of worms" will see their favourite elders "suddenly" morph into Pharisees with big stones in hand...

    Today IS a good day to die!

  • AlphaMan

    Why all this new light BS? Why can't their Jehovah God just go straight to the final truth and give it to the Governing Body once and for all? There is absolutely no need for all these changes and flip-flops, unless they just come out and admit that the JW religion is just as man made as the other religions they rail against. This whole claim to have "the truth", then claim "new light" changes concept makes no sense. This religion is completely different than the JW religion I left 19 years ago. It's a cult.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "Old Light" comes from exactly the same place as "New Light":

    From the south end of a northbound moose.

  • villagegirl

    matt2414 You have devised a BRILLIANT question.

    The Governing Body claims they've received "new light" from Jehovah

    every time they change their doctrine.

    So where did the "old light" come from that's being replaced?

    The question strikes at the core issue,

    of the GB being appointed to be God's "sole channel".

    If the Watchowers premise is followed

    to its logical conclusion, then all writers in the past ,

    including Paul who wrote 14 books of the new testament,

    should be treated like the WT treats their old publications.

    No other church hides and is embarrassed by their past writings,

    the way the Watchtower is. This is a pivotal point to help release

    believers who are stuck in the WT web. It is not an occasion for

    mocking God and all religion. Its a question that is valuable to

    freeing people who see only a pack of atheists here waiting to

    pounce on them. Here for no constructive reason.

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