Heads Up: If you are an older JW, WT has no further use for you!

by AndDontCallMeShirley 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    WT is retiring District Overseers, has sent older JWs serving at Bethel packing despite years of faithful service, and as of June 1, 2014, has announced that any elder that has reached 80 years of age is no longer valued or wanted as a COBE. In WT Land it would appear that older people have little or no value, and WT sees no reason to use them in any meaningful capacity. I wonder how this makes older ones feel after devoting their lives to WT's interests while shelving their own hopes and dreams?

    In light of Watchtower's recent corporate policy changes in regard to older JWs, especially men, I thought it would be interesting to see what people have accomplished in life in their later years. Here are a few examples I've found:

    achievements at an advanced age

    Many well-known people made major accomplishments in old age. The following is a list of such examples.
    1. At 100, Grandma Moses was painting.
    2. At 94, Bertrand Russell was active in international peace drives.
    3. At 93, George Bernard Shaw wrote the play Farfetched Fables.
    4. At 91, Eamon de Valera served as president of Ireland.
    5. At 91, Adolph Zukon was chairman of Paramount Pictures.
    6. At 90, Pablo Picasso was producing drawings and engravings.
    7. At 89, Mary Baker Eddy was directing the Christian Science Church.
    8. At 89, Arthur Rubinstein gave one of his greatest recitals in New York's Carnegie Hall.
    9. At 89, Albert Schweitzer headed a hospital in Africa.
    10. At 88, Pablo Casals was giving cello concerts.
    11. At 88, Michaelangelo did architectural plans for the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli.
    12. At 88, Konrad Adenauer was chancellor of Germany.
    13. At 85, Coco Chanel was the head of a fashion design firm.
    14. At 84, Somerset Maugham wrote Points of View.
    15. At 83, Aleksandr Kerensky wrote Russia and History's Turning Point.
    16. At 82, Winston Churchill wrote a History of English Speaking People.
    17. At 82, Leo Tolstoy wrote I Cannot Be Silent.
    18. At 81, Benjamin Franklin effected the compromise that led to the adoption of the U.S. Constitution.
    19. At 81, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe finished Faust.
    20. At 80, George Bums won an Academy Award for his performance in The Sunshine Boys.


    75 yrs old- Warren Buffett set up a $30 billion contribution to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for use in various world-wide charitable causes. + Cancer survivor Barbara Hillary became one of the oldest people, and the first black woman, to reach the north pole.

    80 yrs old – Jessica Tandy became the oldest Oscar recipient for her work in Driving Miss Daisy.

    85 yrs old- At 85, "Coco" Chanel was the head of a fashion design firm.

    90 yrs old- Pablo Picasso was still producing drawings and engravings.

    95 yrs old- Nola Ochs became the oldest person to receive a college diploma, a degree in general studies with an emphasis on history.

    100+ yrs old - Alice Porlock of Great Britain published her first book, Portrait of My Victorian Youth, when she was 102 years old.


  • Make Lemonade
    Make Lemonade

    Don't call me shirley: This is thought provoking. Your facts are appreciated. Whatever is going on with this age thing in the Watchtower I can not say for sure. However, I have to wonder if witnesses who all old enough to remember what they were taught in the past are not more likely to ask, "why was I taught something that was not the truth". Then the next question "how does it make me feel to have preached something that proved to not be the truth?"

    It still bothers me that I taught many things that just are not true. My list of people I needed to apologize to is now smaller. Being D.F.ed and hearing the "warning talks" that include "do not even say hi or great them in any way", "eliminate them from your social media", The elder speaker uses "sly" and "mentally deseased" to get his point accross. So the chances of me giving a detailed apology about teaching things like, 1914 generation, end within the 20th century, etc. is getting between slim and none.

    So I do not put it past them to eliminate righteous men, or men who have the potential to simple explain their history in a factual manner. Can not prove this, but see this as a motivation in a lot of things the Watchtower does. It is a self-preservation motive.

  • Splash

    *** w82 8/1 p. 14 par. 8 God’s Gift of Work for His Servants ***
    Recent scientific studies confirm the Scriptural truth that man was made to work. They have shown that the majority of elderly persons in good health do not want to retire, that retirement more often brings boredom instead of happiness.

    *** g88 2/8 p. 31 Is There a Secret to Long Life? ***
    One comment is outstanding in the aforementioned National Geographic article: “In none of the three communities [studied for longevity] is there any forced retirement age, and the elderly are not shelved, as occurs in most of our industrialized societies.”


  • LostGeneration

    I know there have been rumors about the WT using an outside marketing consultant, I wonder if they are true.

    A lot of these changes may be in response to a firm looking at them and saying "you are too old, young people do not like this"

  • snowbird

    Thanks so much for that information, ADCMS.

    My maternal grandmother lived to the age of 104.

    She was fully aware of her surroundings and recognized all her descendants to the 4th generation.

    Isn't it interesting to see WT backpedal on the issues that it at one time praised itself for championing?


  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    But AndDon'tCallMe Shirley you are talking about normal people who did great things in their Golden Years. After being brain dead for most of ther life in the cult. I have seen many older ones had a hard time understanding all the changes that take place every other year. My poor Dad when he got older had a hard time keeping up with all that new light the cult was dishing out. What I see is the Wt. wants younger drones to watch over the Wt. interest and when they are 80 they can enjoy all the blessings the cult has given them. Still Totally ADD

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Does everyone remember the two elder training videos that were leaked several weeks ago? The one where "Robbie" committed fornication and was now in front of a JC? Another was exclusively for elders at the training school last year.

    In the 'don't do it this way' portion of how to handle JCs, the older elder on the committee who was more compassionate, lenient and wanting to hold off on immediately DF the accused was portrayed as not following procedure. He was in the wrong. He was overruled by the younger elders who were more judgmental and harsh and voted to DF without much discussion.

    I wonder if WT, by the deliberate way they are portraying these older men, see them as a liability? I think a general statement about people, as they get older and have seen a few things is, they tend to become less judgmental and stuck on what's supposed to be "right" and "wrong" in life. They've had several decades of their own screw-ups to embrace, and realize life isn't all roses. An elder who's 60,70 or 80 years old has seen some stuff, and realizes that it's human to mess up...why be so hard on a person?

    Sadly, this mentality has no place in the heavily corporate, "take no prisoners" approach that WT is increasingly adopting. WT needs younger elders who follow corporate procedures to the letter and enforce policies with an iron fist. Compassion is not an alternative. This new crop of elders will only know the 'new' WT, and if the older men who know how it used to be are still around in a position where they can exert some influence the other direction, it undermines WT's methodology.

  • KateWild

    I thought it would be interesting to see what people have accomplished in life in their later years.-ADCMS

    And not to mention the bible characters. How old was Moses when he led the Isralelites and Joshua when he took over? How old was Noah when he built the ark. Are the GB following the bible guidance or doing what's best for it's leadership, namely the GB?

    Good thread ADCMS.

    Kate xx

  • snowbird

    You're right.

    My daughter often complains that I'm much more lenient with her kids than I was with her.

    I tell her that this old fool has learned a thing or two about what works and what doesn't.

    It seems that WT is no different from any other corporation in that it prefers "company men" so eager to prove themselves that they will go along with any policies that WT implements.

    It will do WT well to recall to mind the example of Solomon's son, Rehoboam.

  • KateWild

    WT needs younger elder who follow corporate procedures and enforce policies with an iron fist. Compassion is not an alternative.-ADCMS


    The shunned need to be made an example of. The rest of the cong need to be in fear of shunning. This is how WT want to maintain control. These younger elder want more priviledges, like being speakers at a RC, on the HLC, COBE maybe even CO. They are abitious and striving for a better position, under the guise of keeping the congregation clean. but in fact keeping JWs in line. Kate xx

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