Australian Government publishes on official web site the current Jehovah's Witnesses "Handling of Child Abuse" confidential letter to all bodies of elders (October 1, 2012)

by jwleaks 25 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • TTATTelder

    What I think is so cool is that the JW's are going to be "attacked" way before their "Babylon the Great -world empire of false religion" ever gets destroyed.

    Their storyline goes something like this: Governments turn on religion, wipe them out, loot them, and then when the dust settles, they notice a small group of "Jehovah's People" still trucking along despite the religous bans or whatever.

    Then the governments turn on "God's People" and God considers this a poke in his eyeball. God gets pissed and Armageddon breaks out.


    EVIDENTLY ... that's not how it's going down.

    I guess new light will be coming out that "Jehovah's People" get attacked first instead of last. LOL


  • HeyThere


  • Vanderhoven7


  • Vidiot

    TTATTelder - "I guess new light will be coming out that 'Jehovah's People' get attacked first instead of last. LOL"

    I used to think along those lines...

    ... that basically, an inexplicable discrepancy between hard reality and WT eschatology would result in a huge "wait, what?" moment in Watchtowistan, but I have since changed my view.

    Considering how poorly most rank-and-filers remember the specifics of Fred Franz' End-Times script, I doubt a little retcon like that would make much of a splash.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Quite a few in Australia have gone to the authorities about abuse but no suing as I know. We aren't as much the suing type as Americans so Australians don't really sue for pedophiles. I know of some jws who were jailed for pedophilia ( but to the chagrin of the very few who knew about it, the pedos were free to roam in congs and assemblies) and also of cases in which the elders closed ranks and protected the sick bastards. I also know of kiddie fiddle cases that were 'taken care of' by the congregation, meaning the abuser was spoken to or reproved or something and the parent never pursued the matter further. I also knew a guy who was abused but nothing was done.

    These are my first hand accounts of pedo jws in Australia.

  • Hairtrigger

    Will it possible to have the letters mentioned in para.1,viz. 1992;1993;1995;1997;1998;2002;2004;2006;2010 posted here- if someone on the forum has access to them?

    Thankyou in anticipation.

  • Sparlock the Wizard
    Sparlock the Wizard

    Thanks for posting, hope this receives more attention over there.

  • Zoos

    Curious... does the government website make any comments about the letter? How do they introduce it?

    The link to the letter is fine but is there a link to the location of its post within the site?

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! You're talking about trying to navigate an Australian government website for useful information? You'll be there a while!

  • Oubliette

    jwleaks, Thanks for posting!

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