In Death lies Glory

by BluePill2 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kaik

    Excellent points brought up here. Unfortunatelly, the low value of the human life in the eyes of the religion is not only domain of JW, but many others Christian religions as well Islam. People trade their ensured living on this planet on this time for unverifable promise of afterlife in future or in a different dimension. Christians and Muslims alike believe that present life is not much worth to live, but there is a HUGE promise of redemption and happiness once they die. I remember quota from KH which said something along the line: "whatever happens in your present life will fixed in Paradise. If you die, you will be resurrected, if you are sick and crippled, you will be healed and fit. If you lack necessities of your life, they will be provided after Armageddon..." Life that we know became secondary and unsignificant because JW, Christians, and others believe that they will get second chance. However, nobody has ever returned from the dead for sure (spear me of Jesus as this is based on belief not on verifiable fact). Billions of people had lived, had their happiness and pains, dreams and hopes, and suffering and injustice, and died. Once people realize that they have this certian gift of life, they may pursue their abilities and happiness much better. Instead for thousands of years people wait for some higher being to solve all their problems, while do nothing about improving their own life around.

  • MissFit

    What Kaik said

  • BluePill2

    tootired2care: That is another crucial point in this discussion. People that lived with the right perspective in mind - that they will eventually die - took another approach in their Life. If you have limited time you become much more focused in solving problems or in attaining goals. Many scientists, great artists or explorers focused on their endeavour to get results within their Lifetime! (one example of this is Madame Curie who relentlessly dedicated herself to her research projects and became the only person to win the Nobel Prize in multiple sciences).

    If you ever played a computer game that is very difficult and you have limited Life's you will be more focused than playing it in "God mode". JW are "playing" the game with the mindset of "unlimited time" whilst there is no "tomorrow" to do all the beautiful things you desire - the time is NOW.

    Magnum: You mention absolute valid points. I still smack myself for not seeing this before. It is so crystal clear (your example with calcium) that eternal Life would need some serious physical and biological "bendings" on God, to the point where his own creation wouldn't make sense!


    Once people realize that they have this certian gift of life, they may pursue their abilities and happiness much better. Instead for thousands of years people wait for some higher being to solve all their problems, while do nothing about improving their own life around.

    I couldn't have said this better than you! Exactly the point. Once you shed the thought of "eternal Life" your mind shifts and your actions too! You act in a more concentrated, condensed way.

  • MissFit

    Bttt I really found this discussion interesting and thought provoking. I hope more new ones and lurkers will spot this.

  • Watkins

    Thank you, BluePill - that was thought-provoking. I've long believed the WT is built on fear - fear of death, yes, but also fear of LIFE.

    Sad, but true.


  • kaik

    Thanks for the reply on my post. However, it is really sad to see that millions and millions of people for thousands of years reject the only life they know for unverifiable promise in afterlife. Nobody ever proved that anyone ever got second chance once they died. All major denominations around the world teach that person needs to suffer, live miserable life as part of the redemption, and die so they can live happily ever after. How many people could have much more productive and happy life if they knew that only chance they got is in time the lived and make much better society without wars, oppression, fear, and enslavement. As a result, humanity devaluated the human life as something that can fixed; yet never ever anyone had done that after their death.

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    Very interesting and a subject my husband and I have been talking about recently.

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