Oh....My......GOD!!! Just read the article...

by D8TA 10 Replies latest social entertainment

  • D8TA


    What the hell?

    I just finished watching Mulholland Drive (for the third time this weekend) and my head hurts. Even after visiting various web sites to get a "better understanding" of the movie....my head still hurts. So, I just don't have the energy to post anything creative about the morons of the above article.

    So I'll just say again...

    What the hell?


  • Cassiline

    Ditto D8TA!!!!!

    I can't see why there is all this fuss. "Kamino soundalike for the Spanish word "camino," which means "road" or "I walk."

    Kamino is a Japanese word;日本語 which means, (I believe) mansion, house etc.

    People did the same last year with Episode 1. Its amazes me what people will actually get offended about and make a stink over sometimes.

    Edited to Ask,
    Why does it keep changing the Japanese word to numbers?


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    It will only display the Japaneses symbol if you have Japanese installed on your computer - otherwise it will revert to the code

    A not-so-silent lamb

    Aspire to inspire before you expire

  • Hmmm

    I find it hilarious that a latina sees a Maori actor and mistakes him for Mexican.

    BTW, I went to school with one of the people on the panel (he isn't quoted in the article.)


    Besides, they wanted to make their clone army from Fett's DNA because they thought he was the ultimate fighting specimen. So IF this ditz thought he was supposed to be Mexican, wouldn't that be a compliment?

  • patio34

    I don't understand the article you referenced, as it was about Star Wars Clones movie.

    But in your post you referred to Mulholland Drive. I just watched it today. Strange and almost impossible to understand. I was just getting ready to do a search to see if anyone can explain it!

    The other posts I DO NOT understand what everybody is talking about. I must have missed something . . .

  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC

    I just saw Star Wars today & he definately does not look Latino. To me he looks more native American & his child to.

    Being Latino-American Decent, The great majority of "Mexican" men are "vertically challenged". THis guy is TALL.

    I know that Latinos we are mixed with 1) Spanish: Spanish is from Spain yet spaniards are mixed with Jew & Moors
    So you have a mixture of North/Central & South American Natives with Spanish (which is already a mixtue) AND African brought over to America in ships.

    How did that Lady come up With Mexican?? The guy doesn't look latino. Is she stereotyping dark skin with a wide nose as Latino? Don't think so. My family ranges from White skinned Latinos with blonde/red hair to the traditional Mocha skin with jet black long curly hair.

    Lady get a life

  • cellomould


    **spoilers ahead, for any who haven't seen it**

    my take on Mulholland Drive is that both halves (I am defining the middle of the movie by the place where the actresses switch roles) are simply fantasies of the main character.

    A little bit of reality is shown, but mostly fantasy.

    The creepy part of the movie is when the 2 ladies go into the apartment of Diane Selwig. (is that the right name?) Anyhow, this scene, near the end of the 1st half, is foretelling what will happen to the protagonist. She will die of an overdose and no one will find her for days.

    The blue key is shown as both a fantasy key (the star shaped key opening the magical box) and a real key (a simple key painted blue).

    In the second half, the guy who played the hitman in the 1st half is a drug dealer. He deposits the stash somewhere safe (not shown) and brings her the key, leaving it on her table (shown) so she can pick them up.

    The drugs both enhance and destroy her fantasies. That is why, in the 1st half, the dealer is depicted as a hitman out to kill the sexy amnesia woman. (I forget if she is given a name)

    The sexy woman may or may not represent a real person, but it is clear that she becomes one of protagonists fantasies. I think that the protagonist at the beginning is also playing a fantasy role, so in the 2nd half she reverts to a waitress.

    All I can say about the masturbation scene is... wow! That was so intense and painful at the same time.

    Hope you enjoyed the movie; I sure did.


    "You're crying 'why am I the victim?' when the culprit is YOU" Stevie Wonder

  • Preston

    This is what Mulholland Drive is about:

    The first half of the movie is a dream, it is the dream of an actress, who dreams about how she wanted her career to become. The dream ends when you see Betty/Diane get up from off her bed. The second half of the movie is told in the present and in flashback. The present takes place after the dream ends until you see Betty/Diane and Rita/Camilla on the couch having sex (this is where the flashback begins). Betty/Diane in real life is a failed actress and during the flashback, up until the point where she hires a hitman to kill her girlfriend, there are things that will easily slip into her subconscious that she will end up dreaming about. As the flashback ends, Betty/Diane has to live with the fact that her failure as an actress, and by hiring a hitman to kill her lover, will later catch up with her, and it does, symbolized by the elderly couple who terrorize her in the end. In her aim to escape her realization as a failure, she shoots herself.

    And that's Mulholland Drive.

  • LoneWolf

    D8TA --- About the review ---

    The problem here is that the reviewers are so highly educated that they have no room left in their skulls for any intelligence.


  • patio34

    Thanks for the reviews, Cellumoid and Preston. It was a very strange movie. If it hadn't been so graphic, i would probably re-view it in order to understand it.


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